
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Casting Pearls- Who do we listen too?

    There are many different viewpoints in this world and many different directions we may go, but to sift through the multitude of opinions and viewpoints we must face each day we have a helper, The Holy Spirit, to guide us and make sense of the many voices we hear. As is stated in The Bible in Jude 18, in the last days there will be mockers, who lead others astray in their ungodly lusts. They want to use the tests and troubles of this life to lead us astray from the true leading of The Lord Jesus in our lives. We can be led astray by things we know to be wrong, like drugs or pornography, or we can be led astray by the things we think are right, like The Bible on our Phone, or suddenly being extremely interested in something as simple as a preacher on TV.
        Needless to say,  there will be even more subtle distractions the closer to the truth we come. We are in a battle with the master of lies, the only one who knows how to use even those you love to lead you astray. I could be working on this article and be interrupted by my son and it may seem at the time to be important, but in retrospect, not as important as the subject in which I am writing.
        Even as I write this I can feel the Devil attempting to lead me from continuing on to the point I wish to make and that is to rely on The Holy Spirit of God to not only keep you from being led astray, but also to not be confused by the many voices we might hear from the world around us. As I write this, I am receiving messages and requests and other ideas that are all attempts to lead me from the focus of my topic. The closer I get the more numerous they get. Now that I have typed out the main point of my article, the messages have stopped and the requests have quit.
        We must fight a battle with satan every day and the best way to do that is to keep in touch with the one who can make the outside disturbances stop. Even if your only connection is to say, ‘Thank You for Waking me up today, and giving me this beautiful day to use for You’, then that is a good place to start. We must keep up the connection between our Creator and ourselves. It is essential to our well-being and our mental health.
        Remember to thank God for all the things you go through and learn from them. God does not make bad things happen, but He does use them to teach us something. Some times it is something as small as to lean more on God than our own understanding.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Casting Pearls- Which way do we go, which way do we go?

        One of the biggest misconceptions of the body of Christ, The Church, today is the thought that when Jesus came He did away with the law and kept all people from breaking the Law of God through Him. In Matthew 5:17-18 Jesus Himself said that He came not to condemn the Law Of God but that through Him the Law of God might be fulfilled. People think that they can do whatever they want and Jesus has redeemed or saved them from the Sin they may commit.
        My understanding of God The Father’s Scriptures is that if you are saved by Jesus, you will be filled with the Holy Spirit and be influenced by the Holy Spirit, not to break the Laws of God. Many people have quenched the Holy Spirit in their lives by repeatedly pouring water of this world on the Fire of the Holy Spirit within you. First we must understand a few things.
        First is that it is written in the book of Romans 4:10 ‘There is NONE righteous, no not one.’ The world may tell us that we are okay, we can be fine as long as our conscience is clean. Man’s conscience is the influence point of Satan. However, there is a way for all men to be cleansed of the sin stains of their souls. Second, it is written out in Romans 5:8, that states ‘God commanded His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.’ God The Father who cannot allow any sinful thing to enter His presence, gave His own Son to be the Sacrifice for us.
        Our sin keeps us totally unworthy of God’s presence, but The Father made a way for us to make it to Him and worship Him forever. It is His Son, Jesus The Christ.  The Jewish people had made, through legends and fables, a Messiah who would come and lead the Israelites to a great place of leadership, ‘in this world.’ This is why, in spite of the fulfillment of the Old Testament and the Prophets writings of Him, they would not believe in Jesus being the Messiah. It did not fit with the ideas in their own minds. We, as Christians, are doing the same thing today. We ignore the signs all around us because it doesn't fit with the mindset we have of Jesus return. We ignore things at our own peril.
        Third, we must realize that to receive this “free gift” that The Lord has for us, we must be willing to accept it. That is all, just accept it and the indwelling of The Holy Spirit that comes with it. To do so we must do as written in Romans 10:9-10, and ;confess with our mouth The Lord Jesus and believe in our hearts and souls that The Father God raised Jesus from the dead to forever stand in intercession for us with God The Father, then we will be saved.
        You see as in the parable of the prodigal son, the father of the son, who is like unto God The Father, accepted the son back with no strings attached. The son did nothing to deserve this love from his father, in fact the father had every reason, in our way of thinking, to punish the son for his bad behavior. Yet the father brought the son back in with celebration and praise. You see the same lesson in the two previous parables in Juke 15:1-32.
        The lost sheep did nothing to be found and the lost coin did nothing to be found, but in both cases, great rejoicing followed their return. Only in the Prodigal son parable do we see any remorse for their previous actions involved. Just as with these cases, great rejoicing will accompany our decision to be “found” by the Lord our God. The Lord God only asks that we be willing to, in spite of the trials put up by the world around us, openly profess to the world that we are now His and they too can be.
        You can be sure that you are safe in the Master’s arms, in 1st John 5:13, the author John, writes that ‘These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of The Son of God, Jesus Christ; that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may believe on the name of The Son of God, Jesus Christ.” So in this we can be assured of our salvation.
        Many will also say that these things were written by men and are not the writings of God. All I have to say to that is, When you write a letter, does the pen do the writing, or do you? As you used the pen to write, so God used men to write His words, because even though God could have created the Bible without the help of Man, God wanted man to accept the Bible without it being openly revealed that God had written it. Just as Jesus did not fit what man had in his mind The Messiah was supposed to be, so The Word of God does not fit what man’s mind. Jesus fit all the prophecies written of the Messiah in the Old Testament, the Torah, and the Prophets. Just to have someone to fit eight of these prophecies would be of greater odds than to win the Lottery. Still people disbelieve that He was the Son of God, to their own detriment. Man cannot write a letter without a pen or pencil being involved, just so God would not write the Bible without man being involved.
        In the Bible it states in Isaiah 55:8, ‘The thoughts of God are not as our thoughts, and the ways of God are not as our ways’ , so what we think will work, is only what we think, not the Thoughts or Plans of God The Father. As believers in Jesus, we must be willing to stand up before the torments and hatefulness of the evil world around us and not lose or renounce our faith even though it will be dangerous to us. The Lord God will bless greatly all those who stand strong, in the hurricane of the world that is to come.
        This leads us to another point, that some people believe to be ignorant of a thing being wrong, makes it okay to be involved with it. If you were ignorant of God’s law against killing another human, would it be alright for you to kill someone?In the law of God The Father, we see in Leviticus 4:1-6 the Word of God says that if the priest of God, who is a representative of the people of God, is ignorant of his sin, he is to do several different things to exonerate himself from being guilty of sin, before he represents the people. If we are truly saved, we should at least feel the influence of the Holy Spirit telling us that something is wrong if we be ignorant to it being wrong at first.
        The Lord Jesus, covers us from all sin we have done and any we might do. The only thing we are to do is Profess Him before other men. When we do the Holy Spirit will come to live inside and help guide us down the path that leads to righteousness.