
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Casting Pearls- The Saints will judge WHO?

        What shall we do after Jesus returns? The scriptures are pretty much clear on that point, that we will spend eternity praising and worshipping our Lord Jesus and the Father God. Some people might find that somewhat tedious spending day in and day out for eternity just praising and worshiping The Lord. I’m here to tell you that if you feel wonderful and lifted up over one of our simple little worship services here, when we feel the anointing of the Spirit on us. Just wait for the way our souls will be lifted up when in The Lord’s presence. We will feel that way for eternity!
        There is more that we will do though. If we look in 1st Corinthians 6:2-3, we are told that as Christian saints we will Judge not only the world but even Judge angels. Now, how can we be able to Judge angels? How can they be left for us to Judge? The only way that I can see is that the angels we will Judge are the ones cast out of Heaven with Lucifer and are now his demons doing the devil’s bidding. These angels were on the side of Lucifer when he rebelled against The Lord. 
        It is our responsibility as Saints of Jesus Christ to hold them accountable before The Lord. So yes, we will Judge angels. Just, they will be the fallen angels who were cast out of Heaven with Lucifer. In a way it will be like a jury trial with the saints as the Jury. All the suffering and death that has happened in the world has happened because like a jury trial, the accused has the right to access to the jury, to attempt to convince us that he is worth saving. So Lucifer has cajoled and twisted our beliefs into something that he believes will sympathize with him. Only problem is that as those who are Saints of The Lord, we will have little mercy on those who are against The Lord.
        What this all comes down to is that though we are not supposed to Judge weither someone is saved or not, we are supposed to Judge if something in this world is sinful or not. It is like this, if someone is living in a sinful manner, such as in homosexuality, we should show that person love through Jesus for their soul but not any confirmation of agreement with their lifestyle choice. If the world says we are being judgmental, we should ignore their sinful beliefs. The person is not the problem with them either.
        Ultimately, the Devil and his demons, or fallen angels, know that they have lost but are doing all they can to take as many ‘Saints’ with them. The ‘GOOD’ angels could be judged by us too, but no greater award can be given them than that they are already going to receive from God, eternity praising God.
        The ‘Saints of God’ are just one step above the angels they will be Judging, mainly due to our having free will to either worship The Lord or not. If we don’t then we won’t have to worry about Judging anyone. We will be the ones being judged.

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