
Monday, March 3, 2014

Casting Pearls- Are we telling the world?

Today it was announced that Carrie Underwood, the writer and singer of the song ‘Jesus take the wheel’ announced that she was not against homosexuality because God was about love and God loved even the Homosexuals. To believe this is to say the word of God is wrong and God has ‘changed’ His mind. It is plainly spelled out in the Bible that Homosexuality is an abomination to God. However, Satan has again twisted the Bible to mean what he wanted instead of what God means.
        Along with many other ‘Celebrities’ Carrie Underwood has been led astray from the truth by a half truth of Satan. God ‘is’ love, and God does love homosexuals. However to say that because God is love that we should be like unto God and love homosexuals just the way they are is short sighted and foolish. It is possible to love someone without loving how they act. I for one am glad that God loved me enough to save me through His Son Jesus, even though I have done things just as bad as the things the homosexuals have done. That is not to say I have been involved in Homosexuality, but I have sinned against God in bad enough ways that If God was not a God of love, he would have seen fit to kill me already. The Lord God has kept me alive despite my sins. Just like me, He has kept the Homosexuals alive, for the most part, despite their sins. Their risky lifestyles have caused many of them to die anyway.
        We should not condemn Mrs. Underwood either as she has mearly been led astray to promote the falsehoods Satan wants us to believe. Satan has used the notoriety of Mrs. Underwood to give his lie credence. Instead of condemning Mrs. Underwood, we should pray for her to understand the truth and be willing to face the public derision for standing up for what is right instead of giving in to the world to keep her from being hated by the public. I have found, if you are loved by man, more than likely you are agreeing with sin.
        Most of those in the limelight of celebrity and thereby influential to the public are working against God’s truths. If you were to ask who was most notorious to people across the world you would find that about 40% of people have heard of Jesus Christ. The same group were found to have a group of about 85% who have heard of Michael Jackson. How sad! More people have heard of Michael Jackson than of Jesus Christ. This is why it is so important that we fulfill the Great Commission and tell the entire world about Jesus while there is still time.

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