
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Casting Pearls- Are we almost at Amegeddon?

         There is a complete disregard by the current government about the situation of the common man. What we need in this country is MORE of GOD not less. The claim of the separation of church and state is all based on a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to The Delaware Baptist Association that in  its contents were Jefferson’s comments that there should be a separation, or wall, between the church and the state, Or government. this is totally taken out of context by those who wish to keep God from influencing our laws.
        The current government supports abortion and homosexuality both of which are an abomination to God. Abortion is just like was practiced by ancient societies  that sacrificed their children to the god of fire Maloch, now people don’t sacrifice to Maloch any more but they are sacrificing to their own loose and free lifestyle and the convenience of their future.
        Homosexuality is said to be an abomination in God’s word, we need to let people know that are in that lifestyle that we hate the sin, not them. We would help them and love and accept them but not their lifestyle. The problem is that they have been told by our society that whatever they do is fine with them and the government will prosecute anyone that says they can’t. I say, if you prosecute God any more than you already have, do not bother crying out to Him when you are being destroyed. You can see from what has happened to Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty what happens to people who honestly voice their opinions. The Bill of Rights and the rest of this countries constitution are now just for show the government and the leadership no longer feel bound by them.
        It is only a matter of time before God removes His hand of protection from the USA and we are attacked from someone else. The prophesies from both the Old and New Testament are coming true or already have. It is coming up on the final performance, so to speak. As Christians we shouldn’t be afraid of the coming end, it will only find us going to where we wish to be if they kill us.
        The greatest fear I have is that the pendulum has swung so far to the left that when it begins to correct and move to the right, we will find ourselves in a country that will take away more of our rights with the false claim that they are defending our freedoms. you might say why are you afraid? You want a change from the evil you see all around you. My fear is not for me, but for the ones left behind to face what is to come. I hope and pray that my son is not one of those left behind at the rapture and I will do all I can up until then to prevent that from happening.

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