
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Casting Pearls- Remember the rich young ruler?

The story of the rich young ruler is told in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. In all three gospels the story is the same, the Young Ruler bows to Jesus, says good rabbi, Is ridiculed for saying Jesus is good, is told by Jesus to obey all the commandments, the Young Ruler claims to have done so, then he is told by Jesus to sell all he has and give it to the poor and follow Jesus. 
Some people focus on the Young Ruler being controlled by his wealth, some people focus on him being arrogant, some focus on him being too proud. Seldom do you hear about Jesus’ love for the man. In Mark 10:21 of the three, this is the only one that speaks of Jesus looking upon him with Love. 
Jesus was the Son of God, and He was God too. As God, He knew the stance the Young Ruler would take. Jesus knew the man’s riches would prevent him from giving all to God because his love for the things of this world would prevent him from following Jesus. He knew of the man’s arrogance in his piety. Even knowing all this, Jesus still looked upon him with love. 
Ultimately, one of the things that Jesus wants us to know is that He will love us even knowing all about us, God Knows what we have done, are doing, and will do, yet even still he loves us enough to have died a horrible death to be our sacrifice for our sins. Jesus gave more of Himself than we could ever do, or ever have done, for  it is not by strength, or power, or works, says the Lord, But only by the Spirit and the Blood of Jesus that we can be saved. o

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