
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Casting Pearls-What more do you want God to do for You?

I recently had someone who is not a Christian ask me a question, If God is a loving and all forgiving God, how come Jesus told his disciples to shake the dust off their feet and leave those who refused to believe? I told him that God did not want us wasting time on attempting to turn those who refused to hear to Him. We should ‘shake the dust off our feet’, don’t let any of their unbelief stick to us, and move on to others who would be more receptive. 
I also told him that the whole thing reminded me of a story I heard. the story goes like this; There once was a man who lived in a area that was due to be flooded by the building of a dam. Letter after letter was sent to him warning of the impending flooding. He refused to believe them as he had lived there many years and was not about to be driven out by a little water.Finally people were sent to his house to warn him of the impending flood. The man refused to leave with them. when the water began to rise the man had to move up to his second story to keep out of the water. A few men in a boat came along and tried again to get the man to leave, He refused. The water kept on rising and the man had to move out on his roof to avoid the rising water. A helicopter came by and spotted him. The men in the helicopter called to him to come with them, again the man refused to leave. The water continued to rise until the man drowned. When the man got to heaven he asked God why he never saved him from drowning in the flood. God told the man, you ignored the letters I had sent to you, and you ignored the people that tried to persuade you to leave before the flood, and you ignored the people in the boat, and you ignored the people in the helicopter, what more did you want me to do?
To often we hold on so tightly to the things of this world that we refuse to listen to the warnings about the sin that surrounds us or the eternal death that faces us if we do not listen and believe. It is a simple choice to make, but the flesh and satan attempts to keep us from listening. What more do you want God to Do for YOU?

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