
Monday, December 30, 2013

Casting Pearls- Allah or God The Creator, You decide.

The whole world would have us believing that the Allah of the Muslim religion is the same as the Christian God. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The translation of Allah is loosely ‘the god’ and in no way is the same as the Christian God of Creation. Allah is ‘the god of the moon’, the Christian God’s creation. If you don’t believe it, then look it up! The Christian’s in this world are being mislead.
        As in the past, in Elijah’s time as when he went up against the followers of Baal, Satan wishes to mislead people into following the Creation, instead of The Creator. The Muslim’s have already been doing this for generations but now the Christian Church is being mislead as well. They have been told over and over again that the God we worship is the same god that the other religion's worship.
        First, The ‘god’ they worship is the god of this world, not the God who Created this world. And Second, as Christian’s we should not have a religion, but instead have a relationship with the Creator of the Universe. If you were to let someone inside you to have complete control over you and your actions, would you not like to have a relationship with them? A really close relationship with them.
        The word Baal is translated ‘The Lord’ and that is what they were worshipping. God The Creator was angry over the way the priests of Baal and the King Ahab and his wife Jezebel had led so many astray from the true God and his following. Just as it was in Elijah’s day, we are seeing it happening now.
        Just recently, The Pope, leader of the largest denomination in the christian churches, called for all denominations to put aside their differences and join together and become one church. He also called for the church to be more ‘inclusive’ of those groups, like the homosexuals, who do not live by the beliefs held by those who believe in the Bible, The Word of God.
        Basically, The Pope both called for the church to do away with it’s worship practices, and to include the ones God The Creator had called an abomination in His Sight. God did not use the word abomination about many things, but the few things He felt very strongly about. in the over 788,000 words in the Bible, Abomination is only used 166 times and often is depicting the same thing when mentioned. This is less than 3 thousandths of the entire scriptures so these times must have been important.
        Both of these things had been spoken of by Jesus and others in their prophecies of the End Times and the things to come. We were to experience a time likeunto that of the times of Noah. When men were lovers of self and only made passing acknowledgment of God. The world is now in that way. The Southern United States, where I live, Is one of the last places where the true Christian Faith is practiced. In the rest of this nation and in the rest of the world the majority of people are secular or only give passing acknowledgment of God in their lives. We are living in dangerous times.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Casting Pearls- Who needs a inoculation?

        In a recent devotional from Billy Graham ministries I read something that provoked thought within me. It said that it would be wonderful if there was a shot we could give people in their arm that would make them nicer and do away with the problems that face this world, it would make them have contentment instead of being greedy and selfish make them love on another rather than hate, it would make them tell truth instead of lie.
        This led me to think of the one thing that can change someone’s heart from evil to good, that is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Most Christians receive the Holy Spirit when they are saved kind-of like an inoculation like the ones you received as a child, or for some as an adult. Just like that we all were well protected from the evil of the world when we received the inoculation, but over time  the strength of the protection has lessened and the world has helped, like a stream on a rock, it has slowly worn our protection down. Many of us are now not much different from the world around us that we say is so evil.
        If we were to stand back and look at ourselves as through another’s eyes, what would we see? Would it be someone who is a good example of what is a good Christian, or is it someone who is a poor example of what a Christian really should be. The world wants us to become closer to the evil that it is instead of the goodness that the Holy Spirit exudes. The reason is that the world wants this is that it wishes to keep us from bringing others to Christ. As a poor example of a Christian, others will say why become a Christian? If there is no difference in our lives other than we are not allowed to have the “fun” that they do, why do they want to change.
        Many of us, myself included, are guilty of allowing the world to infiltrate the loving, giving, caring person we are really and letting the world take over our witness of who and what we are. One of the best quotes i have ever heard is “you are the only Bible some people will ever see”. It is sobering to think that others lives are in your hands. The Lord has other ways to reach the people that you refuse to witness too, but your bad witness can cause someone who is on the edge to back away instead of believe in Christ and invite Him into their hearts.
        Now should you be someone who is on fire to spread his name all the time? Yes you should! God needs fervent and committed followers who are willing to give up the things of this world just to get the things of the world to come. We all need to be closer in our walk with the Lord, not because he needs us, but because we need Him to
strengthen us. You and I can do nothing to spread God’s Gospel without Him, but we cannot be stopped if God is the one in control. Ultimately God is the one in control and the one who can guide our steps.
        So the question is; do you think your inoculation is alright or do you think you need a booster? Has your witness gotten stronger or has it gotten weaker over time? Do you regularly build up your faith with reading God’s word or do you leave the Bible on a shelf and only take it down to look something up or even worse to boost a leg on a table?         Another thing we must think of, is that if someone was to look at our checkbook what would they see is important to us? Where does the majority of the money we have go to. We are fighting a mind set that has been set up by the world we live in. I just now had to change what I was writing to read ‘the money we have’ instead of ‘our money’ because it is not our money any more than this is our life we are living. EVERYTHING belongs to God. He created it and us He merely lets us have it for a time to use. We must try to change our mindset to make the things no longer important and make God important instead.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Casting Pearls- Are you Merry This Christmas?

        Everybody tells other people ‘Merry’ Christmas’ but how many people know exactly what is meant by the words they say. The meaning of Christmas is pretty much self explanatory but I’ll explain it anyway. Christ-mas is actually a two part word, it is about why the day is special, it is when we celebrate the birth of Christ. and the second part of the word is mas which is short for mass or church service.
        The part that is confusing to some is the word Merry. There have been many explanations, including that it is meant to represent the mother of Christ, Mary. The most common explanation is that Merry means Joyful or Happy. It means so much more though. If we understand the Old English meaning of Merry it becomes much more evident.
        In the Old English it was used to represent both Happy or Joyful, and also to represent Mighty or Strong. It is most commonly seen used that way in the song ‘God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen’ in which it refers to the Mighty or Very Influential Gentlemen. The world today has tried to change the meaning to be more acceptable to the current definition by placing a comma between Merry and Gentlemen. You will not find this in the older versions of the song.
        The other thing about Christmas is the short way it is said, Xmas.  Many people believe it is only a short way to say it and leave Christ out of Christmas. Most people do not understand that the Greek word for Christ is Χριστός and the letter X is a short way to say Χριστός. Saying Xmas is not leaving Christ out, it is only a short way of saying Christ in Greek and was started by the Roman Catholics when they began to use English commonly and were still using Greek for some of their Bible editions. They Simply used the X to hold the place of Christ in some words that were still written in the Greek and the X was an abbreviation for the greek word for Christ, just like JC is commonly used for abbreviating Jesus Christ today.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Casting Pearls- You think it a strange way to save the world?

        Many of the people we so believe in and trust to do what is right may over time begin to doubt the truths they have been told. Even the truths told to them by God Himself! The story told us in the Bible of John the Baptist is one. In it John the Baptist is the forerunner for the Messiah and even declared himself that Jesus was the Messiah of the Jewish people. He knew all these things to be true and even saw the Holy Spirit descending from the Heavens like a dove to land on Jesus and anoint Him to be God’s Messiah and Son.         Despite all this John the Baptist, when he was in prison and awaiting sentencing by King Herod, after hearing of the exploits of Jesus, and of His supernatural abilities, began to doubt that Jesus was really the Messiah and sent some of his followers to ask Jesus if He was really the one or if they should look for another. John felt as though he had done so much for God, he announced the coming of the Messiah and got many to repent, he got many ready for the Messiah to come, he even presented to the world his cousin as the Messiah and baptized Him. With all the powers at Jesus disposal, could not some small amount be spared to deliver him from the prison he was in?
        Then we must look at Moses. Moses had been allowed to speak directly with God and even look at God’s back as he went on by. Yet when faced with the unbelief of the Children of Israel, he became angry and struck the rock to bring forth water rather than speak to it as God had instructed. He doubted in doing it God’s way and instead did it his way and struck the rock. For this he was punished and not allowed to enter with the Children of Israel into the Promised land. So often we become angry at others who openly defy the teachings of God to the point that it causes us to sin. We are no better than Moses was in our walk, that is why God had to send Jesus to save us from ourselves.
        The ultimate problem is our sinful nature. We see others having fun in this world and want to join in with the fun even though it goes against the teachings and commands of God. If we look throughout the Bible will will find over and over men and women who follow God, and fall away from following when things get tough and they have doubts. I’m sure that Joseph must have been one of these people given all that he had to face.
        Joseph was faced with being betrothed to a woman who was pregnant with a child without him having touched her. He had to take on her shame at the premarital pregnancy and the people of the surrounding area believing him and Mary to have been involved physically prior to marriage. He had to then provide for this woman and her pregnancy throughout her pregnancy without touching this woman, who was supposed to be his wife. He had to attempt to lead them both to Bethlehem for the census and taxing of his family. He had to look for a room for them to sleep in and then to find a place for her to have the baby. All this based on the one time an angel had spoken to him in a dream. All this culminated in a song that told what Joseph must have been thinking when Jesus was born.
        The song is titled “A Strange Way To Save The World” and that is just what Joseph must have been thinking when Jesus was born. It goes like this in the chorus, “Why me, I’m just a simple man of trade, Why Him, with all the rulers in the world, Why here, inside this stable filled with hay, Why her, she’s just an ordinary girl, Now I’m not one to second guess what angel’s have to say, but this is such a strange way to save the world”

Attached please find a link to the fore mentioned song by 4Him.                                            

Casting Pearls- Why was Jesus wrapped in Swaddling Clothes?

    In Luke 2:1-20 we find the Christmas Story of the birth of Christ. it begins simply enough in that Joseph and Mary had to go to Bethlehem to be counted in the tax roles that the Romans were keeping. They were required to go to Bethlehem because Joseph was originally from there and his family was from there. The name Bethlehem, means house of bread in the modern literal translation. It is fitting that Jesus be born there, as in John 6:35 we see Jesus proclaiming to the crowd that He IS the “BREAD OF LIFE”, and whoever eats of Him will “never hunger”.
        While they were there in Bethlehem, the time came for Mary to give birth to Jesus, as was foretold to everyone by the prophets of old. After Jesus was born they wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger. Now why do you think they did this? Well, first it was a practice with new mothers dating back several hundred years to wrap the newborn up tightly so that his bones would form correctly and so they would feel secure as they did in their mother’s womb. At that time mothers would often coat the baby’s skin with salt and wrap them up in swaddling clothes to protect them and to keep them from getting anything on them that could cause them to get an infection, as the umbilical cord was freshly cut and had not had time to heal. Also , because it helped the skin to toughen up and keep it’s moisture in. Salt was a natural preservative and disinfectant.
        After Mary and Joseph wrapped Jesus in Swaddling Clothes, they  put Jesus in a manger, not just to give them a rest from holding the child, but so that if He wiggled around enough to get out of the swaddling clothes, He would still be in a place that kept him in a position to help His bones to form correctly. Many of the practices of the parents from that time would almost be considered child abuse now days, but they had far less problems such as SIDS, or others to deal with. Even with what they knew, the child mortality rate was very high, as they lacked the medical knowledge we have today and as we see in Luke 2:21, after the Birth of Christ and all that accompanied it was over, they still waited for the prescribed eight days before naming Him JESUS. This was because, almost all parents waited for eight days to make sure the child would live before giving it a name.
        Shortly after the child Jesus was born, shepherds, considered the lowest people in that society, came to see the baby Jesus, and told the parents of them seeing Angels that told them of the child’s birth and that they should go worship Him as the Messiah of Israel. He came to a stable, was put in a manger, and was visited by shepherds to show the world and the Jewish people, that God was willing to stoop so far down to show His love for mankind and be an example to people of how we should humble ourselves, both to each other and to God Himself.
        All of this was so we could see how Jesus would come to this world and how He would leave it. Just as He was born in a cave hewn from the rock to be a stable, His body would be laid in a Tomb hewn from the rock. Just as His body was wrapped in swaddling clothes made of strips of cloth at His birth, His body was wrapped in grave clothes and put in the Tomb at His death. Jesus was the perfect lamb born to be the offering for all mankind because of how much God loved US!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Casting Pearls- Want to go fishing?

The World says that we can do nothing to stop it from doing whatever it wants to do. The truth is seen in two places in the Bible that explain that we have all the strength we need to influence the path the world around us takes by only drawing our strength from Christ. The most obvious verse is from Phillipians 4:13 that says; ‘I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength’
        The less obvious place it is shown is in John 20:3-11 which states that Peter, upset and depressed after first denying Jesus, then seeing Him put to death, even though Peter had seen Jesus’ resurrection, he still felt sad and lost because he was unable to forgive himself for denying Jesus.  In spite of how Jesus had tried to reinstate Peter in the leadership of the Apostles Jesus had left behind at His death.
        Peter was so upset and depressed with himself that he had given up on the things he had been taught by Jesus and decided to go back to the one thing he knew how to do without question. Just like Peter, we also give up on God’s plan and go back to what we know, before giving God the chance to work in our lives.  Peter went back to what he knew best and not only went himself, but like we so often do, he took several other Apostles with him. As we take those who are lost or wish to give up on God to go away from God or the things of God.
         He and the other Apostles did what they had been trained from youths to do and began to fish again. They struggled to be successful in their own strength and fished all night, because it was the usually best time for catching fish, and ended up catching nothing. As they came in closer to shore, they saw a man on the shore cooking some food over a fire. The man called to them when they had gotten within earshot and asked if they had caught anything to eat. They had to respond NO.
        The man then instructed them to do something that went against their training as fishermen, let down the nets again where they were close to shore, and let them down on the right side of the boat that was closer to shore. They knew by their own understanding that this instruction by the stranger should do nothing to help as it went against everything they knew to work as fishermen. Peter had an idea as to who this was and it seemed confirmed by what happened next. The net that was let down by them was filled with fish so much so that they could not by their own strength pull the net back up on the ship. This was basically the same thing that had happened to Peter when Jesus had first called him to be a disciple and follow him. Jesus wanted Peter to do the same thing, let down the nets on the boat’s right side. The same thing happened, the net was filled so much with fish that Peter could not bring them all up. The first time Peter could call to other boats in the area to help him with all the fish. This time though, there were no other boats in the area to help. Rather than wait for the boat to return to shore, Peter confirmed his suspicions with John and immediately Put on some clothes, as he was necked from being out on the boat fishing and working hard so he took off his clothes as it was very warm there even at night. Peter put on his over coat and dove into the water to swim on to shore so he could be with Jesus.
        Even though Peter felt depressed and lost he knew that he was very excited to see Jesus again. The other disciples rowed on to the shore dragging the net behind them and Peter filled with the strength of the Lord, then went over to where the boat came ashore and singlehandedly pulled the net with as John said, 153 fishes, on the shore before returning to Jesus. Peter and the other disciples had been blessed beyond anything they had dreamed, again by Jesus. Despite their lack of strength to follow the teaching and direction in their depression and sadness over losing their leader, they were greatly blessed with great riches by God. Peter in himself showed the strength given by God in that he alone was able to drag on shore the net with 153 fish that the other disciples were unable to drag in the boat.
        We have a choice we must face in our life, either follow Jesus and the Holy Spirit in our lives, or follow the world and the things of this world that limit the power of Jesus and His Holy Spirit. Which one do you think you will follow? The Creator of all things, or the creation He made? That is the choice we all have to make, because we know who is the lord of this world and who is ultimately in control.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Casting Pearls- A strange way to save the world?

Many of us fight back whenever we seem to loose control and have to stop driving and let God lead us to where He would have us go. A old bumper sticker said God is my Co- Pilot. A Co- Pilot is supposed to take over when the Pilot is otherwise occupied or unable for some reason to stay in control of the Plane. Some people say that God should be your Pilot rather than your co-Pilot because God should always be in control of the plane of your life. Making God the Co-pilot or the Pilot is hard for most people because we think we have a better plan than God does. God, The Creator God who has had the same plan since Adam and Eve were still in the Garden, God. We have the arrogance to believe that we would even begin to know better than He what is best for the plan of God?
          Whenever we find ourselves out of our own control we begin to struggle and fight to regain even a small amount of control over our own existence. It is only when we find ourselves out of control that we can learn just how much in control God really is. I think that Mary and Joseph are prime examples. We will look at them and the situations they both were in.
        First we look at Mary, the Virgin Mother of Jesus. She was impregnated by an angel of God with God’s own son Jesus, and told to give birth to Him and name Him Jesus. Knowing that this was an offense that at that time and age would be considered an offense that would be punishable by death either by her betrothed husband or the surrounding people in her village. To be pregnant at that time out of wedlock was unheard of and looked upon by the people around her with shame. She would face the chance of death and the almost sure chance that if they did not kill her the people would treat her with such disdain and hatetred that she would wish that she was dead.
         Next we look at Joseph, the Betrothed Husband of Mary. He would be expected to be upset with Mary over her obvious indiscretion with another. If Joseph did not hold her accountable for the indiscretion, it would be the same as admitting to the people that he was the one Mary had slept with and that the child she carried was his and was from a pre-marital tryst between the two of them and would bring shame on him and his standing in the public eye. Again we see that ultimately the whole thing comes down to what people would think as they have no way to understand the mind or the thinking of God.
        I’m sure that even though Joseph had been told by the angel of God in a dream that Mary would have a son and he was to name Him Jesus and that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem, and would be the Messiah of the people of Israel. Joseph still suffered many doubts as he went along. I’m sure that as the song ‘A Strange Way To Save The World’ says, that Joseph must have questioned thinking that he knew better than God Himself, ‘Why me, I’m just a simple man of trade, Why Him, A Baby, with all the rulers in the world, Why Here, inside this stable filled with hay, Why Her, she is just an ordinary Girl, then he qualified his statement so as to not look as though he was questioning God, even though he was, he said, ‘ I’m not one to second guess what angels have to say, but, this is such a strange way to save the world.’
        I’m sure it must have gone on from there, as he thought ‘ To think of how it could have been, If Jesus had come as He deserved, There would have been no Bethlehem, No lowly shepherds at His birth. But thinking on it some more Joseph would have realized that he knew the reason God had to reach so far down to show the lowliest human that they were still worthy of God reaching down to them and saving them from their sins. No matter how bad we are we can’t get so low that Jesus would not be willing to reach down to us. No matter how hard we wrestle with God for control, He still thinks we are worth saving.
         If we go back to Jacob in Genesis 32 where he wrestles with the Lord. It was not Jacob that wrestled with the lord as we so often think. It was the Lord that came down and began to wrestle with Jacob to have control. If we look in verse 24 of chapter 32 it states that the man that represents the Lord was the one who wrestled with Jacob all night. Jacob was not wrestling to take control from the Lord, he was attempting to keep the Lord from taking control of him. It appears that Jacob won the match , but did he really? Did the Lord just let him think he won so that His plan would continue as He had planned for it to go.
        Was Joseph his son more than just a shadow of Christ in what Jesus was coming  to do, or a shadow of Christ in his entire life to come. Would Christ like Joseph be rejected by his own Kin only to be received by them gloriously when He returns on the scene in the time to come? There are many mysteries that will not be known until Jesus returns, but from the signs of the times, that won’t be long. Keep looking up for the time is near! As one of my favorite Radio shows is often saying.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Casting Pearls- Who is Tychicus anyway?

    Who was Tychicus anyway? you may ask. Saint Tychicus as some people know him was a confidant and helper in the ministry of Saint Paul the Apostle. He was mentioned by Paul in Ephesians, Collosians and in Titus and 2nd Timothy. Tychicus delivered many letters and directions from Paul to the believers that lived in Ephesus, Colossiee, and possibly, though we don’t really know, letters written to Laodicea and to Timothy and Titus.
        His help to Paul in his Ministry was sure but his effort comes to little recognition in comparison to Paul or even to Timothy. Even seeing this, we never hear of Tychicus saying any cross word or complaint as to where he has been placed in the complete plan of God. His personal desires were never mentioned. All we really know of him is that he was a worker for Christ’s gospel through Paul.
        Many of us are never going to be a great star that is well known by others as someone who helped spread the Gospel message. We are not even known as someone who sings or speaks openly for His kingdom. Is the role we play in God’s ministry any less important? The answer is NO! We may never do more than help provide for others to spread the gospel, but that makes us no less important in God’s plan. God’s plan is more intricate and detailed than our minds can ever begin to understand. God can make it so there are contingencies for every decision we might make. No matter what we do we can’t mess up God’s plan, and if we refuse to be a part of it, it will continue on, Only through another.It is arrogant on our part to think that we can have any influence in the changing of God’s plan, other than making it easier for God to make it come about.
        By doing the things we know according to the Word of God is correct, we can help to make the prophecies of God to come to pass more quickly. The hardest thing of all to do is let others continue in their sin if that is the will of God to make His plan to come to pass. We pray for our leaders to be given Godly wisdom in their decisions, but are we willing to accept when those decisions are harmful to us, while still in God’s Plan?
        I was recently faced with a dilemma, should I speak out against decisions my leaders were making that were obviously against God and His people, or let them go and thereby help hasten the return of Christ, as it would help today turn more into the days of Noah Jesus spoke of. A friend of mine put it all in context for me when he said to me, It would be arrogant of us to assume that our actions might bring about any change in the plan God had. All we can do is continue to obey God rather than Man and let God’s Plan happen at God’s pace.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Do You Bow Your Head?

As we bow our heads to pray, how often do we find ourselves questioning, Why are we bowing our heads? Many of us are used to this practice, but few really know the reasoning behind it. I am going to reveal some of the reasons to you in this article. 
You see, for years the only place that was acceptable to pray was in a holy prayer room at the Church in the area. If we had requests for God to hear, they must be brought to our Priest and he was alone allowed to present them to God. Supposedly this was loosly based on Matthew 6:6 saying that when we pray we are to enter into our prayer closet and pray alone and in secret to others.  
The idea behind Martin Luther and other reformists in the early Roman Catholic church was to open up both the scriptures and the other things that only the priests did to the general partitioners bring before God instead of only the priest. It cut down drastically on the workload of the priest, while at the same time giving much more responsibility to the individual. 
The idea of bowing your heads came later though as each individual was urged by his church leader to devote a room in their home or somewhere to the practice of prayer and reading of the scriptures. This practice became harder and harder as the people got closer and closer to each other and the population increased.  Soon it became very hard to give up the room for God’s use and for His purposes alone. Soon afterward people were finding themselves in smaller and smaller spaces attempting to continue their practices of praying and studying God’s Word. Soon afterward, it became expedient to men to no longer leave prayer and the study of the scriptures to a special room or place and make a more open way to continue it. 
This is when the bowing part comes into play. Men began to, even though the bible says for them not to do it, pray in public places. This was a compromise made by men to save themselves the time and effort of devoting a room and place of their own to prayer and study of the scriptures. Men, and women, would bow their heads and close their eyes, to simulate to themselves being in a closet where they could be alone with their prayers to God. The Israelites do the same thing to this day by bowing their heads and pulling their prayer shawls over their heads as they pray. This is where the verse, written by Paul, that has received so much controversy about women keeping their heads covered and men not, comes from. 
This is also the reason Paul is referred to as a tent maker in the New Testament. Pulling a prayer shawl over your head to pray is making a personal prayer tent for yourself and so the making of big burly tents made of goats hair and cloth and being very cumbersome to transport, was most likely not Paul’s trade, however the making of prayer shawls out of cloth found almost everywhere he went. And containing the corners with the blue threads interwoven in them as prescribed in Exodus by Moses, was very possible. 
Let me get back to my topic as I seem to be digressing. When we bow our heads and close our eyes we have less distractions to keep us from focusing on the prayer at hand. It is done now because it has become more of a learned behavior and to show reverence to God than for any other good reason. Personally I think that if we should find ourselves not being able to focus on the prayer, perhaps some personal alone time with God is needed by us to ask God to reveal to us the real reason why we cannot stop and pray.