
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Casting Pearls- You think it a strange way to save the world?

        Many of the people we so believe in and trust to do what is right may over time begin to doubt the truths they have been told. Even the truths told to them by God Himself! The story told us in the Bible of John the Baptist is one. In it John the Baptist is the forerunner for the Messiah and even declared himself that Jesus was the Messiah of the Jewish people. He knew all these things to be true and even saw the Holy Spirit descending from the Heavens like a dove to land on Jesus and anoint Him to be God’s Messiah and Son.         Despite all this John the Baptist, when he was in prison and awaiting sentencing by King Herod, after hearing of the exploits of Jesus, and of His supernatural abilities, began to doubt that Jesus was really the Messiah and sent some of his followers to ask Jesus if He was really the one or if they should look for another. John felt as though he had done so much for God, he announced the coming of the Messiah and got many to repent, he got many ready for the Messiah to come, he even presented to the world his cousin as the Messiah and baptized Him. With all the powers at Jesus disposal, could not some small amount be spared to deliver him from the prison he was in?
        Then we must look at Moses. Moses had been allowed to speak directly with God and even look at God’s back as he went on by. Yet when faced with the unbelief of the Children of Israel, he became angry and struck the rock to bring forth water rather than speak to it as God had instructed. He doubted in doing it God’s way and instead did it his way and struck the rock. For this he was punished and not allowed to enter with the Children of Israel into the Promised land. So often we become angry at others who openly defy the teachings of God to the point that it causes us to sin. We are no better than Moses was in our walk, that is why God had to send Jesus to save us from ourselves.
        The ultimate problem is our sinful nature. We see others having fun in this world and want to join in with the fun even though it goes against the teachings and commands of God. If we look throughout the Bible will will find over and over men and women who follow God, and fall away from following when things get tough and they have doubts. I’m sure that Joseph must have been one of these people given all that he had to face.
        Joseph was faced with being betrothed to a woman who was pregnant with a child without him having touched her. He had to take on her shame at the premarital pregnancy and the people of the surrounding area believing him and Mary to have been involved physically prior to marriage. He had to then provide for this woman and her pregnancy throughout her pregnancy without touching this woman, who was supposed to be his wife. He had to attempt to lead them both to Bethlehem for the census and taxing of his family. He had to look for a room for them to sleep in and then to find a place for her to have the baby. All this based on the one time an angel had spoken to him in a dream. All this culminated in a song that told what Joseph must have been thinking when Jesus was born.
        The song is titled “A Strange Way To Save The World” and that is just what Joseph must have been thinking when Jesus was born. It goes like this in the chorus, “Why me, I’m just a simple man of trade, Why Him, with all the rulers in the world, Why here, inside this stable filled with hay, Why her, she’s just an ordinary girl, Now I’m not one to second guess what angel’s have to say, but this is such a strange way to save the world”

Attached please find a link to the fore mentioned song by 4Him.                                            

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