
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Casting Pearls- Who is Tychicus anyway?

    Who was Tychicus anyway? you may ask. Saint Tychicus as some people know him was a confidant and helper in the ministry of Saint Paul the Apostle. He was mentioned by Paul in Ephesians, Collosians and in Titus and 2nd Timothy. Tychicus delivered many letters and directions from Paul to the believers that lived in Ephesus, Colossiee, and possibly, though we don’t really know, letters written to Laodicea and to Timothy and Titus.
        His help to Paul in his Ministry was sure but his effort comes to little recognition in comparison to Paul or even to Timothy. Even seeing this, we never hear of Tychicus saying any cross word or complaint as to where he has been placed in the complete plan of God. His personal desires were never mentioned. All we really know of him is that he was a worker for Christ’s gospel through Paul.
        Many of us are never going to be a great star that is well known by others as someone who helped spread the Gospel message. We are not even known as someone who sings or speaks openly for His kingdom. Is the role we play in God’s ministry any less important? The answer is NO! We may never do more than help provide for others to spread the gospel, but that makes us no less important in God’s plan. God’s plan is more intricate and detailed than our minds can ever begin to understand. God can make it so there are contingencies for every decision we might make. No matter what we do we can’t mess up God’s plan, and if we refuse to be a part of it, it will continue on, Only through another.It is arrogant on our part to think that we can have any influence in the changing of God’s plan, other than making it easier for God to make it come about.
        By doing the things we know according to the Word of God is correct, we can help to make the prophecies of God to come to pass more quickly. The hardest thing of all to do is let others continue in their sin if that is the will of God to make His plan to come to pass. We pray for our leaders to be given Godly wisdom in their decisions, but are we willing to accept when those decisions are harmful to us, while still in God’s Plan?
        I was recently faced with a dilemma, should I speak out against decisions my leaders were making that were obviously against God and His people, or let them go and thereby help hasten the return of Christ, as it would help today turn more into the days of Noah Jesus spoke of. A friend of mine put it all in context for me when he said to me, It would be arrogant of us to assume that our actions might bring about any change in the plan God had. All we can do is continue to obey God rather than Man and let God’s Plan happen at God’s pace.

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