
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Casting Pearls- The Saints will judge WHO?

        What shall we do after Jesus returns? The scriptures are pretty much clear on that point, that we will spend eternity praising and worshipping our Lord Jesus and the Father God. Some people might find that somewhat tedious spending day in and day out for eternity just praising and worshiping The Lord. I’m here to tell you that if you feel wonderful and lifted up over one of our simple little worship services here, when we feel the anointing of the Spirit on us. Just wait for the way our souls will be lifted up when in The Lord’s presence. We will feel that way for eternity!
        There is more that we will do though. If we look in 1st Corinthians 6:2-3, we are told that as Christian saints we will Judge not only the world but even Judge angels. Now, how can we be able to Judge angels? How can they be left for us to Judge? The only way that I can see is that the angels we will Judge are the ones cast out of Heaven with Lucifer and are now his demons doing the devil’s bidding. These angels were on the side of Lucifer when he rebelled against The Lord. 
        It is our responsibility as Saints of Jesus Christ to hold them accountable before The Lord. So yes, we will Judge angels. Just, they will be the fallen angels who were cast out of Heaven with Lucifer. In a way it will be like a jury trial with the saints as the Jury. All the suffering and death that has happened in the world has happened because like a jury trial, the accused has the right to access to the jury, to attempt to convince us that he is worth saving. So Lucifer has cajoled and twisted our beliefs into something that he believes will sympathize with him. Only problem is that as those who are Saints of The Lord, we will have little mercy on those who are against The Lord.
        What this all comes down to is that though we are not supposed to Judge weither someone is saved or not, we are supposed to Judge if something in this world is sinful or not. It is like this, if someone is living in a sinful manner, such as in homosexuality, we should show that person love through Jesus for their soul but not any confirmation of agreement with their lifestyle choice. If the world says we are being judgmental, we should ignore their sinful beliefs. The person is not the problem with them either.
        Ultimately, the Devil and his demons, or fallen angels, know that they have lost but are doing all they can to take as many ‘Saints’ with them. The ‘GOOD’ angels could be judged by us too, but no greater award can be given them than that they are already going to receive from God, eternity praising God.
        The ‘Saints of God’ are just one step above the angels they will be Judging, mainly due to our having free will to either worship The Lord or not. If we don’t then we won’t have to worry about Judging anyone. We will be the ones being judged.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Casting Pearls- Servant or served, you decide.

There were almost 400 or more rules given to the Israelites to bring to their understanding the meaning of the ‘Ten Commandments’ of God. In most of these instructions the explanation seemed to us to be common sense. The thing we must remember is that the Israelite people had lived their whole lives as slaves in Egypt. All rulings and control over their actions were taken over by their slave-keepers, the people of Egypt. This was in part what God was doing for them, He was attempting to cover any and all circumstances they might run across.
        In many of these rules we also see where God was showing them a type of the Christ to come. They were shadows of what was to come in Jesus. For example if we look at Exodus 21:1-6 the Israelites were given rules in dealing with servants and that they were to serve their masters for six years and in the seventh year be set free from their service. If they were married prior to becoming a servant then their spouse and children were also to be set free.  However, if they married a spouse after they became a servant and then were to be allowed to be free when the Seventh year arrived, they could stay in their masters serve if they proclaimed they loved their spouse and children and wished to stay with them.
        If the servant wished to stay, he would have his ear lobe pierced at the doorpost with an awl and thereby show everyone they stayed of their own accord. A servant could prove his love for his wife by having his ear pierced. So by his wounds the love for his wife was shown, just as by Jesus wounds in His hands and feet, He showed the world His love for His bride the Church.
        Also if we look at the situation of Jesus coming to Martha and Mary’s house in Luke 10:38-42, we see the importance of being a servant and being willing to learn and be filled by the master. It is only after a person is filled by the Master, Jesus, that living waters can flow out from them and lead others to Christ. Martha wanted to do as we do, and serve Christ in all we do, but forget to stop trying to serve long enough to be filled with the Holy Spirit and make ourselves able to pour out the Spirit on others. Mary was willing to sit at Jesus’ feet and be filled while Martha was consumed with providing for the needs of others. Martha had become so consumed by her desires that she became mad at the perceived wrong done to her to the point she blamed not only Mary but Jesus as well.
        Martha said, “Lord, dost thou not CARE that Mary has left me to serve everyone alone?” Martha was blaming Jesus for allowing Mary to leave it all for Martha to do alone. There was no requirement for Martha to provide for the visitor’s needs. She was concerned with the fleshly things while Jesus said that Mary chose what was better by feeding her soul and not her flesh.
        As a servant of Christ we should be willing to be filled by the Holy Spirit so we have the living waters flowing out of us to turn the world to Christ. We should be willing to, as Jesus did, serve the world for Christ for the time allotted to each of us, and be willing to sacrifice our own freedom to follow the flesh and be free, just to be the sacrifice the world needs to see Jesus in us.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Casting Pearls- Are there false teachers or false followers?

There are many different divisions in both the Churches and the Scriptures of God. It is estimated that a new version of the Bible is brought out about every six months. As of the last count, there are over 3000 different denominations of the Christian Church. All of this is prophesied to come about by Jesus and was already a problem in the time of Paul in the Early Church.
        If we look in 1st Corinthians 1:11-15 the same problem was beginning in the Church in Corinth. Some of the people had begun to say they were right in the way they believed since they were followers of different ones, like Apollos, or Cephas(peter), or Paul. Paul warns them that he has received reports of them being divided in their following of Jesus and claiming they were followers of different ones who in and of themselves were believers in Jesus, but none of them was greater than another.
        It is the same today with people who follow the teachings of DL Moody, or Oswald Chambers, or even Billy Graham. None of these men are any better than the others. They were all men and sinful in their nature. As Paul said in 1st Corinthians 1:13, was Dr. Moody Crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Billy Graham? Is Christ divided so?It is not important who our teachers are, it is only important that we believe correctly in Jesus and what the Scriptures say about Him.
        If we don’t believe in the Scriptures, then how then can we believe in Jesus’ Crucifixion, or Resurrection, Much less His Salvation. It is pivotal to our belief in Jesus that we are able to believe in The Word of God. If we continue on in this vein of thought, we must beware of those who will teach us falsely in the Word’s of God.
        In the Bible book of 2nd Peter 3:17 we are warned that we should know the Bible so we can know when we are being led astray by the ‘wicked’. The word here refers to a candle wick that is twisted to be used in a candle. Just like a wick, many verses in the Bible are ‘Twisted’ from their original meanings to be made to represent the false teachings of those who would lead the very elect astray. The term here is also used to refer to witchcraft.
        We are told in the next verse 2nd Peter 3:18 that knowledge of the Scriptures will help us to grow in the Grace of the Knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord. We should beware in these days following to closely any one man as no man is good, no not one. The only one who was ever Good in all ways and lived a sinless life, was Crucified for our sins, was buried in a borrowed tomb, and rose again on the third day to show His triumph over death and the cross. Again, as God has over and over again, He took what the Devil meant for evil and used it for good, to make a way to heaven for all mankind.
        Now this in no way means to imply that any of the ministers mentioned here are false prophets or misleading people. The people themselves are making these men mislead them from following the teachings of Jesus and the Word of God. The men themselves have done nothing wrong.   When the world begins to follow the man instead of God, it makes the problem only true faith in God can solve.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Casting Pearls- Do you think you are worthy of God's Love?

    In the Bible story of the Israelites and Moses in the biblical book of Exodus in the Old Testament, the Israelites were taken out of the only life they had ever known, SLAVERY, to become a nation of their own, In total and complete control of themselves. This is why The Lord saw fit to give them the law. Ten commandments plus about four hundred rules that explained the different Commandments of God. These rules were important for the people of Israel since they had been told how to live and what to do by their slave masters before.
        The original people of Israel that came out of Egypt were punished by God for making the golden calf to worship at the base of Mount Sinai while waiting for the Ten Commandments of God. They were made to wander in the wilderness for forty more years, the amount of time for a generation to live and die, before being allowed to enter the promised land. The only people who were alive at the time the Ten Commandments were given to the People of Israel were Joshua and Caleb, the only spies that entered the Promised Land previously and believed the Lord that the people of Israel could actually take over the land.
        The Christians of the world are just like the Israelites. They take forty years to make what should have been a seven day journey. It has become a regular thing for people to take forty years or better for us to learn the little lessons The Lord is attempting to teach us. We spend each day focusing on how things affect ourselves instead of how what we do affects others.
        Put your hand in front of your face, you will not see the things that are happening in the area behind or around your hand. As long as you focus only on what you wish to see, or just what is right in front of your face, you will be blinded to the things happening in the world around you.         This is how the Devil works. He gets you focused on what is in front of you, uses your own desire to make yourself of chief importance he then takes things in the world around you and molds them to his plan while you are not watching. You could see it if the things of importance to only you were not what is directly in front of you blocking your view of what is around you.
        If we look at some of the songs we sing in Church and Church groups on a regular basis, we see the words of things we say we should do but never really do. In the song “I Surrender All” we see the words ‘ All to Jesus, I Surrender, All to Him I freely give’. Do we really give ALL to Jesus, or freely give Him ALL things? How often do we say it but still don’t do it ourselves? We are great at telling others what to do but terrible at doing them ourselves. Before those who may know me say what about you, let me say when you point at someone, you have three more fingers pointing back at yourself. When I tell you these things I am preaching three times as much to myself as I am to you.
        How often do we let the little annoyances and problems of this life to prevent us from giving our ALL to the ministry of telling the world about Jesus. The Gospel means, “the Good News”, and we need to spread the good news of Jesus Saving Grace to the world. John 3:16 says that “God so loved the WORLD” and by the word WORLD the verse means mankind. Don’t you think you are worthy of the love God is Giving to You?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Casting Pearls- Are we almost at Amegeddon?

         There is a complete disregard by the current government about the situation of the common man. What we need in this country is MORE of GOD not less. The claim of the separation of church and state is all based on a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to The Delaware Baptist Association that in  its contents were Jefferson’s comments that there should be a separation, or wall, between the church and the state, Or government. this is totally taken out of context by those who wish to keep God from influencing our laws.
        The current government supports abortion and homosexuality both of which are an abomination to God. Abortion is just like was practiced by ancient societies  that sacrificed their children to the god of fire Maloch, now people don’t sacrifice to Maloch any more but they are sacrificing to their own loose and free lifestyle and the convenience of their future.
        Homosexuality is said to be an abomination in God’s word, we need to let people know that are in that lifestyle that we hate the sin, not them. We would help them and love and accept them but not their lifestyle. The problem is that they have been told by our society that whatever they do is fine with them and the government will prosecute anyone that says they can’t. I say, if you prosecute God any more than you already have, do not bother crying out to Him when you are being destroyed. You can see from what has happened to Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty what happens to people who honestly voice their opinions. The Bill of Rights and the rest of this countries constitution are now just for show the government and the leadership no longer feel bound by them.
        It is only a matter of time before God removes His hand of protection from the USA and we are attacked from someone else. The prophesies from both the Old and New Testament are coming true or already have. It is coming up on the final performance, so to speak. As Christians we shouldn’t be afraid of the coming end, it will only find us going to where we wish to be if they kill us.
        The greatest fear I have is that the pendulum has swung so far to the left that when it begins to correct and move to the right, we will find ourselves in a country that will take away more of our rights with the false claim that they are defending our freedoms. you might say why are you afraid? You want a change from the evil you see all around you. My fear is not for me, but for the ones left behind to face what is to come. I hope and pray that my son is not one of those left behind at the rapture and I will do all I can up until then to prevent that from happening.