
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Casting Pearls- Do you think you are worthy of God's Love?

    In the Bible story of the Israelites and Moses in the biblical book of Exodus in the Old Testament, the Israelites were taken out of the only life they had ever known, SLAVERY, to become a nation of their own, In total and complete control of themselves. This is why The Lord saw fit to give them the law. Ten commandments plus about four hundred rules that explained the different Commandments of God. These rules were important for the people of Israel since they had been told how to live and what to do by their slave masters before.
        The original people of Israel that came out of Egypt were punished by God for making the golden calf to worship at the base of Mount Sinai while waiting for the Ten Commandments of God. They were made to wander in the wilderness for forty more years, the amount of time for a generation to live and die, before being allowed to enter the promised land. The only people who were alive at the time the Ten Commandments were given to the People of Israel were Joshua and Caleb, the only spies that entered the Promised Land previously and believed the Lord that the people of Israel could actually take over the land.
        The Christians of the world are just like the Israelites. They take forty years to make what should have been a seven day journey. It has become a regular thing for people to take forty years or better for us to learn the little lessons The Lord is attempting to teach us. We spend each day focusing on how things affect ourselves instead of how what we do affects others.
        Put your hand in front of your face, you will not see the things that are happening in the area behind or around your hand. As long as you focus only on what you wish to see, or just what is right in front of your face, you will be blinded to the things happening in the world around you.         This is how the Devil works. He gets you focused on what is in front of you, uses your own desire to make yourself of chief importance he then takes things in the world around you and molds them to his plan while you are not watching. You could see it if the things of importance to only you were not what is directly in front of you blocking your view of what is around you.
        If we look at some of the songs we sing in Church and Church groups on a regular basis, we see the words of things we say we should do but never really do. In the song “I Surrender All” we see the words ‘ All to Jesus, I Surrender, All to Him I freely give’. Do we really give ALL to Jesus, or freely give Him ALL things? How often do we say it but still don’t do it ourselves? We are great at telling others what to do but terrible at doing them ourselves. Before those who may know me say what about you, let me say when you point at someone, you have three more fingers pointing back at yourself. When I tell you these things I am preaching three times as much to myself as I am to you.
        How often do we let the little annoyances and problems of this life to prevent us from giving our ALL to the ministry of telling the world about Jesus. The Gospel means, “the Good News”, and we need to spread the good news of Jesus Saving Grace to the world. John 3:16 says that “God so loved the WORLD” and by the word WORLD the verse means mankind. Don’t you think you are worthy of the love God is Giving to You?

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