
Friday, January 24, 2014

Casting Pearls- Servant or served, you decide.

There were almost 400 or more rules given to the Israelites to bring to their understanding the meaning of the ‘Ten Commandments’ of God. In most of these instructions the explanation seemed to us to be common sense. The thing we must remember is that the Israelite people had lived their whole lives as slaves in Egypt. All rulings and control over their actions were taken over by their slave-keepers, the people of Egypt. This was in part what God was doing for them, He was attempting to cover any and all circumstances they might run across.
        In many of these rules we also see where God was showing them a type of the Christ to come. They were shadows of what was to come in Jesus. For example if we look at Exodus 21:1-6 the Israelites were given rules in dealing with servants and that they were to serve their masters for six years and in the seventh year be set free from their service. If they were married prior to becoming a servant then their spouse and children were also to be set free.  However, if they married a spouse after they became a servant and then were to be allowed to be free when the Seventh year arrived, they could stay in their masters serve if they proclaimed they loved their spouse and children and wished to stay with them.
        If the servant wished to stay, he would have his ear lobe pierced at the doorpost with an awl and thereby show everyone they stayed of their own accord. A servant could prove his love for his wife by having his ear pierced. So by his wounds the love for his wife was shown, just as by Jesus wounds in His hands and feet, He showed the world His love for His bride the Church.
        Also if we look at the situation of Jesus coming to Martha and Mary’s house in Luke 10:38-42, we see the importance of being a servant and being willing to learn and be filled by the master. It is only after a person is filled by the Master, Jesus, that living waters can flow out from them and lead others to Christ. Martha wanted to do as we do, and serve Christ in all we do, but forget to stop trying to serve long enough to be filled with the Holy Spirit and make ourselves able to pour out the Spirit on others. Mary was willing to sit at Jesus’ feet and be filled while Martha was consumed with providing for the needs of others. Martha had become so consumed by her desires that she became mad at the perceived wrong done to her to the point she blamed not only Mary but Jesus as well.
        Martha said, “Lord, dost thou not CARE that Mary has left me to serve everyone alone?” Martha was blaming Jesus for allowing Mary to leave it all for Martha to do alone. There was no requirement for Martha to provide for the visitor’s needs. She was concerned with the fleshly things while Jesus said that Mary chose what was better by feeding her soul and not her flesh.
        As a servant of Christ we should be willing to be filled by the Holy Spirit so we have the living waters flowing out of us to turn the world to Christ. We should be willing to, as Jesus did, serve the world for Christ for the time allotted to each of us, and be willing to sacrifice our own freedom to follow the flesh and be free, just to be the sacrifice the world needs to see Jesus in us.

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