
Friday, August 23, 2013

Casting pearls - Are we worshipping Baal?

                  We today are in danger of being in the same boat as the Baal worshippers of Elijah's  time. You see, the Baal worshippers thought they were doing the right thing, while actually breaking the first commandment to have no other gods before the Lord our God. They thought they were worshipping God, all the while they were worshipping god. Let me explain, the word Baal has been widely corrupted in it's true meaning over the ages. All in an attempt by satan to confuse the sitituation. The word can be broken down like this, BA meaning 'god', and AL meaning 'the', so the Baal worshippers that Elijah dealt with claimed to be worshipping 'the god', while Elijah was worshipping the Lord Our God.
                  For years the people of Israel had been moving away from the worship of God to the worship of the creations of God,as we have done. The Baal worshippers 'thought' they were still worshipping God, yet they were worshipping God's creation instead. We are doing much the same thing today. All the environmentalists who worship the creation of God rather than the one who made it are missing the point. If we want to stop mankinds wasteful actions with the environment, we should call on the God who made the environment to stop them.
                  You see it all comes to dominion. originally man was given dominion over all of creation. After man brought sin and death into the world, man gave his dominion over creation to satan, thus man has abdicated his rule over creation to satan.  Over the years we have changed the meaning of the Baal that the people worshipped to the God of the Rain. This was caused in part because of the drought that was going on at the time Elijah took on the Baal worshippers. Baal has also been said to correspond with satan or the devil, which is in some way true as Satan is the god of this world, The Lord God's creation.
                   Now that is not to say we are not in some way responsible for taking care of the creation that God has given us. Ultimately we are responsible to The Lord God who made this creation for using it to spread to the world, not that we need be responsible for taking care of it, but that we need be responsible for worshipping the one who made it and honoring Him by taking care of it.
                   In Elijah's time The Lord God had become fed up with the people putting His creation before Him, and was willing to use the priests of Baal as an example to the people of how fed up He had become. It is only a matter of time before The Lord our God gets fed up with us doing the same thing and punishes us.
                    As we do not see the United States mentioned directly in the prophecies of Revelation, I believe  that we will no longer be a world force at the time of the end of the world. That is not to say that we will no longer be around, but the current world power we are, will no longer be true. Our time of prosperity is close to an end, and unless we quickly turn back to the God of Creation, there is no hope.It would be just like satan to attempt and trick mankind into worshipping the creation, or god of this world, instead of the God of Creation.   All the negative publicity about GMO's and the Big Corporations use of natural resources for their monetary gain is only playing right into satan's hands.  This is not to say that these things are not bad, but the focus should not be on God's creation, but on the God of Creation. God's power alone can show us the way to find the truth, and the way back to Him.

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