
Friday, August 30, 2013

Casting Pearls - Walking in the Spirit

                  Walking is putting one foot in front of the other, staying straight on the path that God has laid out for us, not deviating to the left or the right. We are influenced to go off the path by the lusts of this world. Our flesh is the enemy. In the Bible we are warned in Galatians 5:16 to walk in the Spirit, we should let God through the Holy Spirit lead the way.If we walk the path behind the Holy Spirit, we will not be influenced by the flesh.
                 Our focus should be on Jesus, like Peter's was in Matthew 14:25-32 where he saw Jesus walking to him on the water in a storm. Peter asked to walk out to meet Jesus on the water. Jesus bade Peter to come to Him, and as long as Peter was able to stay above water as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus. As soon as Peter looked at the storm raging around him, notice Peter 'began' to sink. Note, Peter only began to sink not sunk. We once we step off the path of God begin to sink into the storm around us. If we quickly call on the Lord for help, we will find help from the Lord. Notice, as soon as Peter called out for help from Jesus that Jesus quickly took him by the Hand and led him back to safety. Just like Peter, we can sink into the waters of this world, as soon as we take our eyes off the things of God, and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
                 The danger we face is ourselves. As humans, we are inclined to give in to the cravings of the flesh. As Christians, we must resist the cravings of the flesh and keep our eyes on the Good Shepherd who will never let us walk into danger. We only find ourselves in danger when we take our eyes off Him and leave the path. It only took a second of looking away from Jesus for Peter to begin sinking, and it will only take a second of our looking away from God to stray off the path.
                 As humans we are almost guaranteed to stray from the path. We must decide if knowing Jesus will save us from ourselves is enough. True salvation is evidenced by good works and continuous  attempts at having a relationship with Jesus. If we show that we want to have a relationship, then Jesus will be more than happy to meet with us. Many people think, well I got saved and baptised, now I can live any way I want. But we must do our best to keep our eyes on Jesus and his word, if we are to remain above water. If we take our eyes off Jesus, we begin to sink. Some sink faster than others. Many of us think Jesus will pull us up at the last minute. Jesus doesn't say he will. He says, many will come to me and say ' I did this for you and that for you, and Jesus will say to them away from me I knew you not'. As is said by Jesus himself in Matthew 7: 22,23.
                 The signs of the end times are all around us, but we should not be afraid. Jesus has promised that He will always be with us even unto the end of the world. If not Jesus himself, then His Holy Spirit will be with us. Jesus is only one part of the whole of God. An egg is three parts, the shell, the yolk and the albumen. All three together make up an egg, but each plays an important role. If any one of these three parts were taken away, it would no longer be an egg. The three make a whole, so it is with God, there is the Father God, The Son Jesus, and The Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost. These three make up the whole that is God. There are many examples in nature that make up the same thing, an apple, a peach, a peanut, a

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