
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Casting Pearls- What are you thinking?

                In John 1:45 - 51 we see Philip, who has recently been called to become a disciple by Jesus, finding Nethanael sitting under a fig tree in the shade, pondering to himself. Philip then to Nethanael that he should follow him to see the man he is sure is the messiah, from Nazareth, and Nethanael's response of doubt that 'anything good could come out of  Nazareth.
                We observe then that Nethanael comes over to Jesus, who says to him,' Behold, an Israelite indeed,in whom there is no guile.' showing that as Jesus later says, that He even saw Nethanael under the fig tree, but that Jesus even knew what Nethanael was pondering about.
                In Genesis 28: 11 - 16 where Jacob was dreaming about the stairway leading up to Heaven and seeing the Angels going up and down the stairway. Then Jacob saw the Lord at the top of the stairway and heard Him speak. Nethanael was pondering all this when Philip came up and summoned him to come see Jesus the Messiah. This is why Nethanael was immediately sure that this was the messiah because Jesus knew not only what he was thinking, but also where he was.
               Jesus even went on to say that Nethanael would see, ' the Heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of God'. This also referred to the verses in the book of Genesis Nethanael was pondering about.
                In John 1:51 Jesus says 'Verily, verily I say unto you', and in the original greek the word used for you was a plural you, as Nethanael was not alone at the ascension of Jesus. We see this in Mark 16: 14-19 and Luke 24: 50-51,and Acts 1:4 Here we also see one of the few times Jesus refers to His human side by calling himself the ' Son of Man'. Jesus did this to emphasize that even as a man, the angels of Heaven would be ascending and descending on Him, and would be available to us as men as well.
                The baptism of the Holy Spirit spoken of in Acts 2:2 and before in Acts 1:8 where the Holy Spirit came upon them with 'power' which is in the original greek 'dynomis' the greek word from which we get, dynamite. Ultimately, the Lord not only sees all we do, but knows all we think, so as the bible says in Phillipians 4:8 the Bible says for us think on these things, 'whatever is honest, and just and true, and pure, and lovely' , Meditate or think about these things. Keep your mind on these things as much as possible, and you will stay in the peace of God.

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