
Thursday, August 22, 2013

CASTING PEARLS- Hospital for Sinners?

                       Many people refuse to come to church because the supposed saints who come to church are not being a good example of someone being lead by Christ in their daily lives. They refer to Christians as hypocrites, and are right to do so. We are not automatically perfect in all we do when we become saved. Mostly, it depends on how deeply we are willing to let Jesus into our lives. I'm afaid that many 'professing' Christians will receive the same response when they get to Heaven, "away from me for I knew you not".  Church is best described as a Hospital for sinners, where we can meet together and make plans for reaching out to our communities and receive help in strengthening our own faith.
                       We are exhorted in the Bible to study and learn as much as possible about Jesus. It says in John 1:1 that 'In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.' If we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and one third of the Trinity of God, then we also believe that Jesus is the Word that is God. In Matthew 22:29 We find Jesus revealing the truth to the Sadducees saying that they do not understand because they do not really know the scriptures or the power of God. The greek word used for power was 'dunamis' the word from which comes our word dynamite. It also states in the scriptures that 'Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him as righteousness' in Romans 4:3 We can also find righteousness by showing faith in the promises contained in God's Word.
                      Most of all we can find approval in God's eyes by continually studying the word of God, as with most people we have a relationship with, we wish to spend as much time as possible with them, The way we can spend time with God, is to regularly and diligently study the Word. It was stated from Paul to Timothy in Paul's letter, 2nd Timothy 3:16 that 'All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.' Study and implementation of God's Word is the only way we can reach any hope of being Righteous in God's eyes. It is only through God's Word, and Jesus' blood, that we can even be clean enough for God to look upon us. If we think of ourselves as anything more than filthy rags in God's eyes, we are not even close. Every word in the Bible was given to the writers by God, and ordered by God, and used by God for our teaching, correction, and to instruct us how to live a Godly life.
                       That is why a church is not just a society of saints, but a Hospital for sinners. and the best prescription for each of us is the Word. God's Holy Bible. It will teach us how to live a righteous life, and will also warn us what to look out for in others. Will we still be fooled by others? Why yes of course, we will not be able to use the Word of God to protect us in life. However the Word can help us in how to react to others acting like heathens, and ignoring the teachings of God.

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