
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Casting Pearls- Are we fighting over Dirt?

When watching an episode of Duck Dynasty lately, I was struck by how most of the world puts more value in material things than living things. Willie, the CEO of Duck Commander,  the family business, was explaining how his son had recently been in an accident and how he had yet to seethe damage done to the truck. As they came around the corner, with Willie’s son saying the damage to the truck was minimal, he saw the truck, with at least $8,000.00 dollars worth of damage. The truck had obviously rolled several times in the wreck. 
Willie’s wife was continuously stating that it was amazing how the boy had survived the wreck and that it was a miracle he was not hurt. Anyone with a child can relate to the situation. The problem was that even though it was obvious that the boy was not hurt, he did not thank God and praise Him for the boy’s salvation, instead Wilie complained that the truck was almost totaled.
How often in life do we ignore the miracles around us and instead focus on the material loss to ourselves? Don’t you think God is disappointed by our lack of giving acknoledgement to Him for working na miracle. Willie gave the props to belt inventors and air bag inventors, not to God. How often do we do the same thing? We see a situation resolved in front of our eyes and give everyone but God the credit for the results.
Human or animal life is more important than the most expensive thing that we own. Ultimately, we don’t really own anything as God is the real owner of everything and we only have it temporarily. All our money, cars, houses, and everything we have really belongs to God, we are just given it to use for a short time. It all was created by God Just as we were and it all comes from dust of the earth as we did. We are just fighting and argueing over Dirt. This is especially true when it comes to lands or countries. 

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