
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Casting Pearls What abomination are you now?

                            My former pastor used to joke around that other groups like the Catholics, or the Methodist, or the Lutheran, were all off in left field, so to speak, because their theology differed from ours. They must be teaching their people wrong, so instead of denominations he would call them abominations. The truth is that beliefs like his are an abomination in God's eyes. We are told in the Bible to love one another and help edify one another. How is name calling helping anyone?
                            When it comes down to it, what should make you a member of the church built on the Rock that is Jesus, is believing that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected from the dead, and will someday return for His children. We don't have to agree on what happens when we die, or what baptism is acceptable, or if you go on to Heaven right away or to a waiting area. None of these things affect the ONE way we have to be saved. All the different groups that believe that the Bible is God's Holy Word, and that there is only One way to Heaven, Through the saving grace of Jesus Christ are all my brothers and sisters in Christ.
                            If someone feels led by the Holy Spirit to go to another group or Church and they are correct in the way they leave the church they were in, then that is fine. If someone leaves a Church just because they are mad or disappointed with someone or because of any other reason other than being led away by the Holy Spirit, they are wrong to go. In my case, I was led away from the church group I was in because of the Holy Spirit's leading and fiscal constraints. The Lord led me to where I needed to go. God put me where I could be a blessing to others and spread His Gospel. It has opened up new doors of service to me and allowed me to be an even greater servant.
                           What it ultimately come down to is that the petty squabbles of man amount to nothing in God's Eyes, and if we really believe in Jesus, we are part of His Church of believers. As the bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:19 What, know you not that your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own? If the Holy Spirit has inhabited someone and manifests itself by producing good works in spreading the Gospel, they are my brother or sister in Christ and a part of the Church I belong too.

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