
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Casting Pearls- My Testimony

I had a rough day at work, it was very hot and sticky, and I wasn’t feeling the best. Suddenly I realized that I had lost all hearing in my right ear. I thought that it might be having too much wax buildup in my ear, and I would clean it out when I got home.  I only had two stores left on my route that day so I kept working like nothing was wrong. I finished pulling the order I was working on and then went to my last store and serviced it. I then returned to the warehouse and loaded my truck for the next day.
After I returned home I proceeded to boil my ear out with peroxide to no avail and went to bed still unable to hear.  In the middle of the night I got up to go to the bathroom and almost fell down. I had to hold onto the bed, then the door and wall to get to the bathroom to pee. I knew right then that my inability to hear was the least of it. The next morning, I  called my boss and let him know that I would not be in as I was too dizzy to drive much less walk. I believed it must be an inner ear problem caused by a ear infection or sinus infection and that is what I told the Doctor who saw me at Tanner Emergency Room in Carrollton, GA. I went there and the doctor there agreed with my beliefs despite my bloodpressure being very high.
When I got the Cortical Steroids he prescribed, and had taken them for three days with no lessening of the symptoms, I thought we should try another emergency room, so I had my wife drive me up to Rome, GA, to go to Redmond Hospital there as it was where my father had gone for his heart problems. They had taken good care of him there, and he could only say good things about their patient care. It took the doctors on duty only 15 minutes to say, I had a stroke and never take the steroids again as they were probably the worst thing someone could prescribe to a patient that had just had a stroke. The doctors there then admitted me for treatment.
After some time waiting in the room they had put me in in the emergency room, I was moved to a private room in the hospital. I stayed in this room for several days as they treated my bloodpressure and stroke problems and did several tests on me and my blood. I was treated by a visiting neurologist and he later told me that the stroke was caused by narrowing of the arteries due to my increased bloodpressure. The stroke had left me deaf in one ear and in  the tests they had discovered some other problems in my arteries. They set me up for angioplasty and found three blockages in the arteries surrounding my heart. I had told the heart doctor about my father having stints put in to open up his blockages, and clotting on the stints because he had a high clotting factor in his blood. They did tests and discovered that I had the same high clotting factor so refused to use stints on me in the angioplasty.
After finding the blockages, two at 80% and one in the back of my heart at 95%, they scheduled me for a bypass. They wanted me to go home for a while and come back in about a month for the surgery, since it would call for them to use copious amounts of blood thinners and wanted my stroke to heal first. so after being in the hospital for two weeks, I went home.  I was at home for two days before I had another heart attack and had to return to the hospital. The doctors didn’t want to wait so long for my bypasses, so they went ahead and scheduled my bypass surgery for two days from then. I made my peace with God and my wife and got ready for the surgery.
Throughout both stays in the hospital, all I could talk about to anyone who came near was my newborn son only three or four months old, at the time, and show everyone the picture I had of him. He was the one thing that kept me wanting to live and make it through the things that were to come.  These things were bad, but looking back now, they helped me to understand the help I received from God to have the strength to make it through.
During the bypass surgery, as the doctors were afraid I would, I suffered another stroke. This stroke affected one of my vocal cords and my ability to swallow correctly, as well as making the right side of my face permanently numb. I was unable to swallow and feed myself, so they put a feeding tube in through my nose down my throat. According to my nurses and my doctor, I had a bad problem with pulling out the tube from my nose whenever I woke up or was left alone very long.  Even as an adult, we can act like children sometimes.I was forced to go through physical therapy to learn how to swallow without choking and talk again as well. It was a very humbling experience.
Having learned how to swallow and talk again, I then had to relearn how to walk correctly.  All in all I went through about three months of rehab. After I was released from the hospital the rehab went on as an outpatient for two months in Cedartown, GA. Through all this, I worked hard because I wanted to get better and be able to play with my son and teach him right from wrong, and also because, as most men, I connected my worth with my ability to work and provide for my family. I got my drivers license back at the end of December and was able to return to work January 15th.  It was hard to return as they had changed over to a new system of ordering and receiving product while I was out sick. All of this that I went through only enhanced the feeling I had that Jesus had a great purpose for me and the testimony that I  now had. Little did I know it would even become greater.
Before I went back to work my wife had began withholding any physical attention from me and even took to sleeping in my sons room with him. She claimed it was because she was going through a change in her physical wants. That was just a lie I found out later. during this time she traveled on the roads all day and spent money we didn’t have to buy things for herself. My wife became angry when I had to ask her to give up the charge cards to me. I started back to work but was unable to effectively do the job as the stroke had slowed me down even more. I put in the hours needed to complete the job even though it meant I got home late each night. I ended up putting in around 65 hours a week in just trying to complete the job asked of me.
While I was struggling with all this, my wife took it upon herself to go down to south Georgia where  she is from and go see some family friends. One of the people she saw while there was my best friend, Jeremy. He was married and had two young children, about 6 and 9, and was into horses and farming as was my wife. According to my best friend Jeremy, while he had been drinking a little bit and talking with my wife, my wife made a pass at him and pretty much tried to seduce him. Jeremy, bless his heart said that he could not do that to his best friend. I found out about this after she came back and forgave her for the slip, saying go and sin no more. It didn’t work though. Later that spring I was told by my wife, right after she broke up with him finding out he was abusive, that she had been having an affair with another guy who I thought was my friend.
She openly admitted to me that she had had an affair and I think that she thought that I would be angry and go ahead and file for divorce, so she was surprised when I didn’t. I kept trying to deal with the problems I was going through at work, and deal with her selfish and sometimes even hateful nature at home. I continued to try my best to deal with the difficulties I faced day to  day and deal with the difficulties at home too. It worked out great until I became angry over being lied to one to many times. My wife wanted to confront her son with some things that I knew he did like stealing my car and others, the problem came when Her son told me that He had stolen my car and went driving when intoxicated, after breaking into the car and searching it for his mother, because she was looking for some proof I was doing anything that she could use against me in court. As I learned from my wife herself, about a former fiancee of hers, If accused of something falsely by someone, it is most likely they are doing it themselves.  As I said, I became angry and made my first mistake, I told her and her 23 year old son that they had three days to get off my property. I immediately went and got my son from his room and took him to my wife’s sister’s house. I sat there and talked with my brother-in-law as my sister-in-law was not at home.When I left there I went to meet with an attorney and discuss getting a legal separation.
With all this going on, my father who was 75 years old passed away. I was upset, but not to the point of taking anything out on anyone else. I never raised my hand to a woman or child and I  never would. Any claims my ex-wife may have made are lies that can be added to her lies she has told so well throughout the situation. 
When I had returned my wife had called the police and claimed to them that I had just taken off with her son.  She started from the very start lying to the police and the court, later, to make me out a bad and hateful man all because I didn’t like being lied too. She got my son because I didn’t put up a fight as I was attempting to be nice. Later i learned that being nice to someone who only wants to hurt you will gain you very little, but after a while it will add up against the one who does you wrong. I pity her for the damage she has done to herself and her soul if she doesn’t repent and beg God and me to forgive her. She did ask me if I forgave her for lying to me and having the affair, but she has never asked me to forgive her for all the lies she has told about me to try and demonize me and make her out the victim. At this point I am more than willing to forgive her of she asks.
We went forward with me attempting to file for legal separation and her filing for divorce first so I could only file in response. She admitted her guilt of adultery but otherwise made me out to be a monster. She claimed many falsehoods against me and filed TPO after TPO that she had to drop for lack of evidence, but made it extremely difficult for me to make it to all the court dates, and still be able to work 65 to 80 hours a week. The last two weeks U was with Frito- Lay I worked over 80 hours and received no assistance from my supervisor. To make a long story short, I got angry with my supervisor after he had openly been playing favorites amongst the route people, and then asked me to falsify a document for him so he wouldn’t have to work late.  After all the lies my ex-wife had told about me, I was somewhat sensitive to someone lying to me or asking me to lie for them.I had been done wrong enough.
Needless to say, my supervisor, Brandon Vinson from Douglasville, GA lied to the company and told them I never gave notice. It was a very difficult thing for me to live with, but I finally found an attorney that was willing to file a case against Frito- Lay for not allowing me unemployment because they claimed that I never gave notice. To this date, I have only been living off the gifts and goodness of friends and family.
I have been forced to file bankruptcy due to the legal costs and lack of support I have received from the people and the company I used to work for, Frito-Lay, and my former bosses lies, have been designed by satan to attempt and keep me from being able to tell the world about my testimony of all that I have been through and the strength God has given me to overcome. Anyway, my ex-wife at the divorce hearing proceeded to continue to tell lies about me and her attorney did the same. The judge made a ruling against me based on these lies and ruled that I should have to pay an outrageous amount of child support and approximately 4000.00,of her legal fees. In all, it came to over 6000.00.
It was ridiculous as there was no way I could pay anything with my being unemployed and without any income because, after I left Frito-Lay, I tried to go to work for an alarm company and an Insurance company.  The alarm company let me go due to lack of sales, and the Insurance company laid me off due to lack of sales. Throughout my employment with both the United States was going through a recession and there was no one purchasing anything they didn’t have too.
I did get some sales, but didn’t get enough to keep from being laid off. During all this time I did whatever I could to continue paying my Child support despite the fact that it was based on my former larger income with Frito-Lay, and I had developed Sciatic nerve problems from years of servicing lower shelves in my job with Frito-Lay. Despite the problems I faced, I found a lawyer that was willing to file a disability case for me, and did so.
While waiting for my disability hearing, I had to get medicine for my bloodpressure and heart problems whereever I could, and get medical care by claiming that I was indigent. Even while doing this, the attorney for my wife came after me for her court costs and the Judge in the case would not let me present the evidence I had of the attorney’s and my ex’s lying. According to him, only an attorney could file perjury charges.The attorney for my divorce David Basil, of Carrollton,GA, quit representing me after the divorce hearing even though he never allowed the judge to hear the truth from me or was willing to see my proof of their lies. After the divorce hearing, he simply refused to represent me at all because he knew without a copy of the hearings words, I could not prove that he failed to represent me fully. It was my word against his.
Needless to say the judge who heard the case of my not paying the lawyers fees, proceeded to throw me in jail even though he had refused to hear all the facts. I spent four months in jail and during the time I was in there I was able to witness to several different people I met including a man that had been convicted of child molestation against his own daughter, and started a Bible study that many others wanted to join. Not long after I got the Bible study popular enough that several people that could not join us in it were wanting to join us, I was released because  some land I had had before the marriage and was supposed to be in the bankruptcy, was never taken over by the attorney that had responsibility for my assets. The land was sold to my cousin and the money used to get an attorney to represent me in the case and file a case to change the divorce ruling.
At this time I am awaiting my disability hearing and at a stalemate with my ex-wife since she and her attorney know that I have evidence of their lies and can charge them both with purgery if they try to take me back to court. It has been an energy draining experience to say the least. Most people would have been upset with God for not bringing this to an end and continuing to cause upset to my son, But I have only grown stronger in my faith in Jesus and strength through God my Father. 

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