
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Casting Pearls- Television, bad, Internet, Bad,

Television, when it first came out was said to be a evil influence on our children by many Christians.  As the devil loves it when we leave a vacuum for him to fill, he loved it when Christians left television free for him to influence. When radio became a viable thing for people to listen and be influenced by, Christians supported it fully and started many Christian radio stations that are still around today. We did not leave it to be open for the Devil to attack.
Just like back then with television, we now are dealing with another new form of information source, the internet, through computers, ipads, cell phones, etc. Again we have started out shunning this new information source. We have a choice, do we want to be a good influence on this new medium, or do we want to continue to leave it open to the devil.  By doing nothing, we make it to be open for the devil’s influence. I am  doing all I can from where I am to make it something that is a good influence on those who read what I put online for them to read. 
Ultimately, the individual user has the choice of my good information, or the bad information you can find out there. With television there is a rating system that we have started as an attempt by Christians to slow down the evil influence of television. I believe we should do the same thing on internet posts so that users could know before they go to a site if it contains something that would offend some people, or if our children should stay away. This would be simple for some people to make. Many web surfing programs can show a small preview of a site before we go to it, so how far fetched is it to think of something that would ‘broadcast’ a warning, if a site has questionable content,that the program could pick up. 
We can, right now, prevent internet surfers from going to sites that we know are bad, but we cannot block sites that are unknown to us prior to visiting them. Also some perverted people out there have took normal random misspellings of sites that children would go to and make sites that they will stumble on by misspelling their site. The evil one and the ones he controls have very much filled in the vacuum we left open for them.  As Christians we should continue to use what the devil has meant for evil for good, so that every day we get up the devil will say oh no, not him again!

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