
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Casting Pearls- Is America like Jezebel and Ahab?

The King of Isreal,  Ahab was seeking the help of Jehoshaphat, the King of Judah, in going up against the Syrians in Ramoth-Giliead and the King of Judah said he wanted to check with his prophets for the Lord first. The King of Isreal said that was fine, only that the prophet Micaiah always prophecied bad things to happen to him. The kings both met with all the prophets who were around Jerusalem at the time and they all prophecied that the Syrians would be delivered up into their hands.
The only one who disagreed was Micaiah, who said the Lord revealed to him that when called upon by the prophets, one Angel( or spirit) came to Him and said he would be a lying spirit in the mouths of all the prophets, to get Ahab to attack the Syrians and lose. Not only would Ahab lose, but he would be killed and lose his life. Because Ahab hated the prophet Micaiah and what he said, he ignored the warning and had his troops and those of Jehoshaphat go up against the Syrians. This was the only known case of an Angel (or spirit) ever lying to men on God’s behalf. 
What was so bad about Ahab that God would lie to him? Ahab had been one of the worst kings of Isreal, he had raised up alters and temples to many different gods and refused to follow the other laws of God the Creator as well. Ahab had been the husband of the Queen Jezebel, who had openly defied God and tried to kill the prophet Elijah who took on some 450 of her priests of Baal on Mount Carmel, and killed them all after the true God had brought fire down from Heaven to burn up his sacrifice. Jezebel had done all she could to work against God and His plan for Isreal. She eventually met her end by being thrown out of a upstairs window, trampled by horses, and her broken flesh devoured by dogs before she could be buried, just as prophecied by the prophet of The Lord. 
If we continue to go against all the things that have been proclaimed as abominations to God, we to will face the final destruction of a angry God. We kill our children before they are even born, like the Molech worshippers sacrificed their children to their god. We acknowledge a lifestyle choice as being alright, if not acceptable in our eyes, that God calls unnatural and an abomination to Him. We raise up idols in our countries from moneys to film stars to even preachers of the supposed gospel. All these things are a direct slap in the face of God. Jesus told us to turn the other cheek, and I believe God is, but I am not sure He will continue to forever. 
The Lord is very forgiving, however, as with humans, He has a memory, and remembers the way we have ignored and abused the gifts He has given us. God will not always forget the wrongs we have done. Eventually God will grow tired of protecting us from ourselves and remove His protective hand. Are we ready for that?

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