
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Casting Pearls- Do you not understand?

          The Bible is filled with many things that will help us throughout life to live it as victoriously and safely as the Lord would have us to do. The problem comes when we fail to do the things which God has attempted to teach us. If we face troubles and trials in this life, the problem is not that God hasn't been taking care of us, it is that we have not been living according to God’s commands. The problem could be ours, or of those who we keep around us. The only way we will know is to read the Bible and learn the truth from God’s Word. 
          As we struggle through this life, we can attempt to live it by what we think is right, or we can live it by what God tells us is right. Should we trust the judgement of someone who has only been around for a few seconds, or trust in someone who has millions of years of experience? Many times in the New Testament, Jesus told the disciples parables, or stories, to explain to them some fact or reason for something. Many times Jesus had to ask them, “Do you not understand” and then have to explain the parable. Many times Jesus just left them to ponder on the meaning of the parable, and went on to the next thing He was going to say. This was because Jesus did not need for them to understand at that moment. The true meaning would be revealed to them with pondering and revelation through the Holy Spirit. 
Today, the parables and stories in the bible are related to us in much the same way. It is only through study, and pondering over these things, and revelation from the Holy Spirit that we will receive understanding of what God is trying to tell us. We have to find the answer to the true meaning of everything we read in the Bible from the Author of the Bible, The Lord. That is why we need to study, Ponder, and seek revelation from the Holy Spirit. 

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