
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Casting Pearls- In the Beginning Part 2

After six days god decided to take the Seventh day off and rest, God even commanded Adam to take the Seventh Day off to rest from whatever work he was doing. This became a regular thing for Adam and Eve to do. So on the Seventh Day, God and everyone rested and did nothing.
Now to go into more depth of how Adam and Eve were made, the next chapter of Genesis delves deeper into the facts surrounding God’s creation. In Genesis 2:5-6 the Bible explained how God had caused the mist from the seas and the land itself to water the plants so it never had to rain. The dust of the ground was gathered together by God to make the form of Man and then God breathed life into the dust and named the first man Adam, A garden was made by God with all the trees and plants in it that were good for food to Adam, and God placed Adam in it to care for it. In the middle of the garden were two trees, one the tree of life, the other the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam was warned by God that there was only one rule, never eat from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He was warned that the day you eat of it, you will surely cease to exist. Now, that was a very scary thought to Adam, so he had a heathy fear of that tree. 
At some time after Adam had been created, God had all the animals pass before Adam, and had Adam name them. The names we call them are based on these names Adam gave them. After a time God made Adam a helpmate to give him some company and help in caring for the Garden of Eden, when God was not around. SO Genesis says in verse 21 that God caused Adam to go into a deep sleep so he wouldn’t feel anything, and took a rib out of Adam. From that rib, God created a helper for Adam, and Adam named her Eve. She is of the opposite sex to Adam so when they joined together they might reproduce and replenish the earth as God had told them. 
Adam said in verse 23 that she was from him, flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone. To this day, man has one less rib than woman to help us remember that we need something to make us whole.We as men need a helpmate to make us whole in our life. Now, this is not to say that man has to have a woman to be whole. It is better for a man if he can be alone and have no yearnings for a mate. If a man does not have to take into account how an action will affect someone other than just himself, it will be easier for him to do things.If he has a mate, then he must take into account how she will be affected as well, when making a decision. 
In the third chapter of Genesis, we see the fall from goodness and innocence of men. The devil, another word for Lucifer, was allowed into the Garden by inhabiting the serpent. Even back then, Lucifer knew how to use another persons body by taking it over and possessing it. The serpent was just another animal allowed in the garden with Adam and Eve. It was fitting that Lucifer possessed a serpent because as the Bible says, it was more cunning or subtle than any of the other beasts of the field. 
This is also where some people are at odds as to how the serpent was used by Lucifer or if he was used by one of the Demons, Fallen angels that fell with Lucifer, and was used by him or actually did this alone. I believe that he was possessed by a demon and used by the demon. Unfortunately the Serpent received the blame for doing wrong, maybe so God could put him in the place he wanted him in the first place.
If we were approached by an animal that spoke to us we would immediately know that something was wrong, but as I said, Adam and Eve were both newly created and innocent. The serpent approached the woman, as the man had a direct relationship with God and would be harder to fool. The serpent, Satan, misrepresented how God had told them not to eat from the tree of Knowledge of good and evil and after Eve told him what God had told Adam, Which she did not repeat correctly, though only one person had come between her and God, since she added to what He said, that God said not even to touch it. This was to show us that even with only one person between the original speaker and us the saying can and will change. 
Satan, as the serpent, told Eve that if she ate of that tree, she would not die that same day, he told her that God wanted to keep Adam and Eve from becoming as intelligent as God by not letting them eat from that tree. Eve’s pride and selfishness had her go ahead and as she saw that the fruit if that tree looked good, she picked and ate. After Eve ate of the tree, she offered it to Adam, who was right there the whole time and he ate it as well. 
Some people try to blame the woman for the original sin of man, but as we see in Genesis 3:6 Adam was right there with her, heard all the serpent had to say and never objected to any of it. Satan took advantage of the innocence of Adam and Eve and had them sin against God by eating of the tree. 
God was all knowing so he knew what had happened, but wanted Adam to admit it himself so as to see if Adam was truly repentant of his sin. God came to walk with Adam as He normally did in the cool part of the day, and called to Adam when he didn’t appear. Adam finally came out and admitted to God that he knew he was naked and when God said so you have sinned and eaten of the tree I said not to eat from, Adam started to blame God for giving him the woman and that he was only doing what she did. 
This is why there is a order that God instituted like umbrellas of different sizes. The largest is held by God, the next largest is held by the man, next largest is the woman’s and the smallest is the children’s. The children will be sheltered from this world as long as they stay beneath their parent’s umbrellas. The woman and her children will both stay safe from the rain of sin in this world as long as they reside under the husband. They will all stay safe from the sin in this world by staying under the shelter of the umbrella of God. This is the natural organization of things.
God had to punish sin, so He went down the list of who had done wrong. When God asked the woman what had happened, she blamed everything on the serpent. God started with the serpent, He said to the serpent, that he would have to move around on his stomach and be right where the dirt of the earth would get in its mouth all it’s days. The Lord went on and said, that he would make the serpent to be at odds with the woman and her offspring all their days. He said the serpent would bruise her heal and her offspring would bruise the serpent’s head. Showing how the man and the serpent would be at odds for all time. There are many people who say, still today, that the only good snake is a dead snake.
God then went on to the Woman and said that from now on she would have troubles with discomfort in carrying and bearing children. It was also at this time that God made  the husband to be the head over the woman, not because she needed someone to lead her, but because the man,Adam, should have known better than to have let her fall for the lies the serpent told her. He was to be her protection from the sin in this world. 
The man Adam actually received the worst of all punishments though, he was made to toil in the ground and hunt wild animals, as well as deal with serpents nipping at his heels, and a woman that he had to protect and provide for. God cursed the earth to make thorns and thistles come up wherever the man planted vegetables to come up and that he would have to struggle hard to make food for them to eat.God then killed some of the animals to fashion garments of skin for them to wear, and thereby the  first man brought death into the world. 
The serpent, or Satan, twisted the truth, or spun the story to make it appear how he wanted it to so he would be telling the truth while still lying. When satan told Eve that if she ate the fruit, she would not die that same day, he was telling the truth from her point of view. She and Adam did not die that day as Eve saw days. A day to God is as a thousand years the scriptures say in Psalms and in 2 Peter. 

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