
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Casting Pearls - Never Forget....

                     On this day, 9/11/2013 as Americans we remember the Sacrifice made and the price paid by the people on the planes and those we lost in the Trade Center. As Christians we should honor those who paid with their lives and have since paid with their lives in the wars stemming from this action. there is no way we can express the true regret and loss we feel. There is nothing we can do, the memorials, the statues, the ceremonies, all add up to nothing in comparison. All of those people involved have laid down their lives in one way or another for ours.
                    While we remember the sacrifices made by those people, much greater than these was the sacrifice that Jesus and the Lord our Father made for us all. Everyone knows the verse in John 3:16, but few remember the next verse, John 3:17, that says, "For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him might be saved." Jesus told us this to let His disciples, and us in future generations know that whatever we face, the Lord has come to save us, not to condemn us. We can never live up to Jesus' example but we don't have too. Jesus came not to condemn us but to save us.
                     As the tribulation as described in Revelation, Daniel and Jeremiah, as well as elsewhere in God's Word, draws near we will face greater troubles and persecutions. The true Christians will face great troubles for their beliefs. It will separate those who are professing Christians from those who are possessing Christians, and really have the saving grace of God in their hearts. Each of us has the choice to make if we are going to truly follow Jesus or not.
                    In Daniel 7:25-27 the saints (followers of Christ) will be persecuted and tried by the great ruler, but those who stand firm will be given to these Saints(followers of Christ) and the great ruler will be tried and judged by the court, and found guilty. No matter what we may have to face in the days to come, the Lord is with us and we can call on the Lord's strength to see us through whatever may come. In Phillipians 4:13 the Bible states that 'we can do ALL things through Christ, who strengthens us.'
                    All we need do is to call on God to grant us to face the troubles to come and no matter what, we will overcome. Wether the strength of God is needed to face a loss or a trial, God gives us the strength to overcome and be victorious. All we need do is praise Him, even in the midst of the storms of life, praise God and God will provide you the strength to face up to whatever may come. This is why we can face up to the troubles that come and remember the troubles we have come through to remind us that even at what we thought was our worst, God was with us and carried us through.

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