
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Casting Pearls - Tough Love

                            Today in the world we live in Christians are supposed to be sweet and loving and let the people just run over them and do as they please. the Church has tried to appease the masses just to appeal to more people. It is high time that we began showing the world some tough love in the things that God has specifically told us in His word He finds an 'abomination' to Him.
                            We have a great example in Jesus himself who as Jesus Himself said in Matthew 10:34 "Think not that I come to send peace on earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword." The world wants us to accept Homosexuality and killing through Abortion, and other sins( I only mention the major ones ). The Church needs to stand up for God, and what God has told us in His Word, and be willing to accept the hate of men for our stand. If the world will not accept the morals that God has put forward as the fence around that we should not cross, then the world will face the consequences from God for not residing inside that fence.
                           The world has already seen the results of homosexuality, in AIDs. The world is finding out the results of Abortion, through the lack of new inventions that could end up saving us from ourselves, and the psychological and physical  damage done to  women who have done this. Jesus, continually was at odds with the Pharasees, who eventually brought about His death, for their twists and perversions of the law and making their own rules, which they had ingrained in the peoples lives deep enough to make them as important as the Ten Commandments from God.
                            In one case in Mark 7:2-16 where the Pharasees saw the disciples eating some bread without washing their hands first. They tried to catch Jesus allowing them to do this against their rules of cleanliness. Jesus answered them saying" Well hath Esaias (isaiah) prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me." The rules made by the Pharasees were held to be as important to the pharasees as the Laws of God. The pharasees, however, had made some of their rules to circumvent God's own Commandments.
                            For instance, in verses 10-14, Jesus explained how the pharasees had circumvented the commandment of God to honour your father and mother by calling their wealth 'corban' or dedicated only to the Lord. By doing so, they were still able to control and spend it for their wants and needs, but since it was now The Lords, they did not have to use it to care for their aging parents. In this way the Pharasees had made the Law of God of no effect.

                          As the Church( a called out assembly of like believers), we are called to be the LIGHT and SALT in this world. First in Matthew 5:13 we are called to be the salt of the earth, salt in that time was used as a preservative, and was needed to prevent mold or corruption from destroying and causing decay. Just like salt, we are called to preserve the good things of the world, and keep the corruption or mold and decay from coming into our lives.  Next we are called to be Light of the world in verse 14. Where Light is darkness cannot come in. When we see a window, light comes out to expose that which is in the dark, the dark does not come in. The light of our belief in God is meant to shine and expose the darkness in the world.
                         The world and the lord of this world Satan, want us to be afraid of the things that Satan can do to us. We need to have faith in God to let Him have control over our lives and realize that all Satan can do is cause damage to this physical body, God Himself will guard our souls from the evil around us and if Satan was to kill us it would only hasten our being with God.
                         We see from Paul in Ephesians 6:11-18, that God through Paul has told us to put on the WHOLE armour of God. We don't fight against people and their evils, but we fight against the wickedness of Satan in this world. This wickedness can only affect our physical bodies, not our souls. We need to put on this armour first thing every day, so we will be prepared to face the evil of the world and have protection from God to face it and stand firm.(see verse 13) In verse 13 Paul tells us 'having done all, to stand." so if we have put on our armour as we should, we have nothing to fear. We just need to stand firm and weather the storms coming our way.
                          You may say, how can I have that kind of faith in God to protect me from the storms? The truth is that we all are going to worry and fear sometimes, God will give us the strength to weather the storms of life if we are willing to only believe. In Phillipians 4:13 the Bible says I can do All things through Christ which strengtheneth me. All we have to do is trust God to give us the strength to face whatever comes our way.

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