
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Casting Pearls - Father or Daddy?

                       The most often used phrase when praying or talking with or about God is 'Our Father' this is showing respect for our Father God. However, there is another vein of thought about this. The New Testament was mostly written in Greek, but there is a smattering of other languages in it. There is a little of Hebrew, and a small about of Arabic. The most important thing that was written in Arabic was a small word 'ABBA' that was used by Jesus in the Garden of Gethesemene, when He was praying that His Father would remove the cup of wrath and death that He had to drink. Jesus used the word again in Luke 11:2 when He was teaching the disciples how to pray. The main reason for the use of this word was Jesus wanting to show the disciples His personal relationship with God His Father.
                       Jesus used this word for God and Paul used it again in Galatians 4:3-7,  particularly verse 6, in which he was stating our relationship as believers in Jesus, is the same as Jesus Himself since we are now adopted by the Father God as sons and daughters. ABBA is more descriptive than any other word in Greek for our relationship with God because Greek has only the word Yashua which means Father the Arabic word ABBA as Jesus and Paul used it means Daddy. We are adopted into the family of God as joint heirs with Jesus in the world to come. As adopted children of The Lord, we should feel comfortable in thinking of God as our Daddy.
                     I still have problems personally with calling The Lord my Daddy, but from what paul tells us in verse 6, God wants us too. The thing is that we need to be as comfortable with God's Love for us, as God is with Jesus' love for Him. We have Jesus as the Holy Spirit living inside our hearts, and if we are giving Jesus and the Holy Spirit control over us and our reactions, we will be showing the world around us God's Love. If we ever want to live in the peace that God wants to give us, we will learn to let the Holy Spirit have control.
                    The original Greek or the Hebrew that the New Testament was written in had no word that gave the same meaning of Daddy, and as adopted children of God we should be comfortable in thinking of God as our Dad. As a father myself, I am under the realization that my son sees me as a representation of God in his life, and I want to be as much like God as possible for my son to grow up seeing God as a Good Loving, and at the same time strict and willing to punish if you go to far, person just like me. In fact my son was the main reason that I turned my life around and began making the effort to be a better person for him to see God our Father, in me.

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