
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Casting Pearls - Opportunity Missed

                     In Luke 22: 54-71 As Jesus warned him, Peter denied that he knew Jesus not once, not twice but three times and missed a golden opportunity to witness to others about what Christ had taught him. All was done due to Peter's fear that if he was found to be with Jesus, he would have to face the same retribution that Jesus was facing at that very moment. He might even have to fight for his own life. How often does our own fear of retribution by those of the world, keep us from speaking out when we see wrongdoing? Are we willing to lay down our lives for God? do we trust God to protect us when we do something to witness for Him?Every time that brother Chuck goes to the Jail in Calhoun County, he puts his life and health in the Lord's hands and trusts God that there won't be a riot or jail break while he is there.
                      Verse 54, the guards grabbed Jesus and began to lead Him ti Caiaphas the High Priest's house, Peter and the other disciples followed from far off. We should not let a distance come between us and God. When we allow distance between us and God we are more easily led astray by the evil in this world.  When they arrived in verse 55, instead of going into the courtyard with Jesus, and John, Peter sat down to warm himself by the fire the guards and followers of the priests had kindled in the outer courtyard. Sometimes we seek comfort in the things of the world instead of standing apart as the peculiar people that Jesus said we are to be.
                      The first accusation came in verse 56, where a maid, who just happened to be there by the fire as well, saw Peter and said "this man was also with Him", to which Peter quickly denied, In verse 57. Afterwards, Peter just stayed there for a while until  another person spoke up and said,"Thou art also one of them" to which Peter said "Man I am not". For a second time Peter had missed a chance to tell others about Jesus, and be a witness to others of Jesus' love.
                     After the second time some time passed, about an hour, then in verse 59, a third time a man confidently said, "Of truth, this fellow also was with Him ; for he is a Galilean." to which Peter quickly and vehemently denied using curses. As Peter did this, a cock began to crow and Peter remembered how Jesus had told him that "before the time the cock crowed thou shalt deny me thrice." and Peter saw Jesus looking his way and was very ashamed and ran away to weep bitterly. This was just as the priests had finished with their trumped up trial of Jesus, and were about to take Jesus to Pilate. The man who accused Peter was from all accounts someone who had followed them up on the mount of Olives and had probably seen Peter cut off the guard Malchus' ear. The situation had humbled the once proud and arrogant Peter and showed him that even he, as strong as he was, could fall away from the master Jesus, when self preservation kicked in and made him lie and deny Jesus as his master, rather than face the possible hatred of others.
                     How often do we run away from opportunities to be a witness for Jesus in our lives rather than face up to the possible anger of others? We see opportunities come and go almost every day to speak with others about Jesus and be a witness for Him to the world.Through this blog I hope to reach others that need to hear about the love of God. A great speaker I'm not, but maybe through these columns I can find someone who needs to hear of Jesus and what He did for us, and how He is risen to show us that He has power over the grave. Jesus was the sacrifice that paid our sin debt and none other will ever be needed.

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