
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Casting Pearls- Reasons

There is a reason that I find myself writing these articles, I feel the urgent need to communicate the Gospel of Jesus to a lost and dying world that needs to find Jesus before it is too late. I am  unsure as to how my articles might find their way into the hands of someone who needs their encouragement, but how is up to God. The why is still up to me. It is the same in our lives, we are given tasks by the Lord and others, if we do them we will receive a reward, if we don’t we get left out. I feel the urgency to do all I can to influence the people toward Christ before it becomes too late.
The signs of the times continue to come faster and faster as we drop lower and lower in our evil and contemptuous ways. The world around us grows darker and darker as we go. As with a tunnel, there is a light up ahead. I am attempting to help people keep moving toward the light, and not stop where they are and give up. One of the tricks that Satan uses is depression. We can become discouraged and depressed by the things around us. Instead, I am encouraged by the fact that it shows we don’t have long to suffer in this world. Some might say that I am suicidal and want to die, while it is true that I find the idea of dying and getting to be with Jesus appealing, I do not wish to hasten that happening. If my time comes, then I will not be afraid as it is no longer the great unknown. 
  Many people think that when you die, thats it, you are finished right there. I believe that it is only the beginning of the great forever. We have the right to choose where we will spend forever. Personally I  believe that there is only one way to Heaven, Though faith in Jesus Christ and His blood being shed for us. If we profess Him before others, as I am doing here, and have faith in Him to save, He will. What gets me is that it is a free gift out there for all to accept, but many don’t want to accept it because the world has taught them that if they do, they will have to give up too much of what they have. The thing is that what we have, is going to stay here when we die. One of my favorite quotes is, ‘You have never seen a moving van in a funeral procession, have you?’.
The world is simply some dust that the Lord once formed into something and all things we have, including the computer I’m using right now, and the one you are on is made from the same dust. It has been formed together by our hands, but is still just dust. All the things that we fight over are nothing more than dust, the money, the oil, the land, the many various things we fight and have wars over are nothing more than the dust of the earth. The only thing in them that is truly important is the life of a person. That is why I feel led to tell people about the only way they can save themselves. When we have a war over one of these things, we endanger the people involved, over dust!
We can continue fighting over things, foolishly, or we can recognize things for what they are, DIRT. Is dirt more important than someone's life? NO. We suffer and struggle in our lives collecting and preserving dirt! We fight and have wars protecting and preserving the rights we have to our dirt! When we we realize that there is no dirt that is worth fighting for. 
Some people may say, ‘ we are fighting for ideas, not just dirt.’ The thing is these ideas will not trump the one Ideal of Jesus. The one Ideal of eternal life. The one Ideal of the one true God. When you leave this place, what ideas will you take with you? What ideas will you make so important that another person won’t change them to what they believe? In Genesis 3:3 Adam had told Eve not to eat of the tree of Knowledge. When Eve was talking with the serpent, she told him they were not to eat of that tree, much less even touch it. God never said that anywhere in the scriptures. Eve just changed the idea to her beliefs. Are your ideas more important than God’s
That is the biggest problem with the world around us, we have made IT more important than God Himself. We have twisted and changed God’s words into what we believe instead of the ideas that God put forth to man.  Test everything you hear and see against the word of the Lord and the truth will come out eventually. 

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